Review of 28 Days Later... (2002)

Moving picture, 113 minutes

An enraging disease spreads from a monkey to a human, and from there all over modern Britain. The incubation period is practically nil so the infected are able to conquer the island. One man exits a coma in a London hospital and finds out that the country has changed since his bicycle accident.

A somewhat more scientific slant on the Romero scenario, with critical credibility issues. Even religion is better than this particular explanation, although I do appreciate the attempt to keep it substance-monist and reasonably elegant. There are various more proximal plot holes, some really annoying MTV camerawork and a pathetic ending. It is quite amusing that the gratuitous nudity of the slasher is applied to a guy instead of a girl for a change, even though the reason for it is apparently a grant from the British Nudist Film Council.

References here: Adventure Time (2010), Story of Science Fiction (2018).

moving picture zombie fiction