Review of Possible Worlds (2000)

Moving picture, 93 minutes

Seen in 2018.

A murder investigation and not the many-worlds hypothesis of quantum physics. Instead, it’s mostly the dreams of a disembodied brain, which soon becomes obvious to the genre savvy.

SF. I like the meditative atmosphere, calm and dialogue-driven, free of horror, with soft scene transitions and recurring fluid motifs. The main actors do well. However, the script was clearly written without the benefit of research and the director is no Tarkovsky. The means of the murder—miraculous solo surgery in the home—is never explained. The motive is never explained. It seems to be strangely trivial to keep a brain alive in a jar without a vascular system and with laughably poor instrumentation. Several lines are trite falsehoods, such as the myth that we only use 10% of the brain. As far as the subgenre of disembodied phenomenological SF goes, it’s better than Open Your Eyes (1997), but not by much.

References here: Source Code (2011).

moving picture fiction