Review of Det var en gång ett nu (2025)

Moving picture, 153 minutes

Seen in 2025.

Seen at GFF 2025, as a work in progress dated January 2025. The screening at Bio Roy was attended by the director, Jan Troell, and the assistant editor, Paolo Nobis Sandén.

The life, family, friends, work and Weltanschauung of director Jan Troell.

Appropriately idiosyncratic. Its varied content, which includes 8 mm home movies from the 1930s, is unified through the art of montage. Troell picked up that art by editing for SVT in Malmö. That was before he began to direct even Uppehåll i myrlandet (1965), which was 60 years before making this film in the version of I saw. There was a lot of love for the man in the room at the screening.

I have not seen the short film Vid diktens port (2016), so I do not know whether it is the complete form of that film that is included here. Ferlin’s poem, Vid diktens port (1957), makes sense in context.

moving picture non-fiction