Reviews of Meet the Romans with Mary Beard (2012) and related work
- Spin-off: Caligula with Mary Beard (2013)
- Spin-off: Mary Beard’s Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit (2016)
Meet the Romans with Mary Beard (2012
Seen in 2017.
History from below. I would have liked to see the same approach to a rough chronology of the kingdom onwards.
References here: Immortal Egypt (2016).
moving picture non-fiction series
‣ Caligula with Mary Beard (2013
Seen in 2018.
Emperor Bootykins.
moving picture spin-off non-fiction
‣ Mary Beard’s Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit (2016
Seen in 2018.
People of the Roman empire: new and old, rich and poor.
The second episode, on mining and other far-flung industries, and on slavery and Hadrian’s villa, is aided by a structure that seems meandering but expands particularly beautifully on the theme of “people’s history”. “We can’t ignore”, says Beard in the third episode, “that all this was bought at the price of violent conquest.” In that third episode, Beard lies down on the floor to get the same view of a statue of Emperor Tiberius conquering personified Britannia as the people of Aphrodisias would have had. Britannia the character literally began as a victim of colonialism. Fine work.