Opinion on Shadow Star (1998) and related work
- Adaptation: Shadow Star Narutaru (2003)
Shadow Star (1998
Kitō Mohiro (writer-artist).
sequential art text Japanese production fiction series
‣ Shadow Star Narutaru (2003
Modern Japan. A number of children and young adults each acquire a ryuunoko, literally a dragon child. The human keepers are able to control their supernatural creatures and have an influence on their development. A cute and happy girl makes friends and finds an adorable, puffy little creature to control. However, the extreme ideologies of many of the characters lead to clashes between different keepers and the military. Meticulously portrayed elements of gritty, dark horror take over.
In a sentence: Evangelion date rapes Pokemon (1997).
The storyline is good, although unfinished in this run of the adaptation. I’d say it’s faithful. Peculiar but fairly effective character design. Some good music, some bad or poorly chosen.
References here: Hinamatsuri (2018).
moving picture adaptation Japanese production animation fiction series