Reviews of “The Colour Out of Space” (1927) and related work
- Adaptation: The Colour Out of Space (2010)
“The Colour Out of Space” (1927
H. P. Lovecraft (writer).
“The Night Wire” (1926), which has a mist of “[c]olors as yet unseen by man or demon” consuming a city, is a trifle by comparison. Lovecraft’s “Colour” is perfect cosmicism. Less of a spectacle than “The Call of Cthulhu” (1926) and less tied to its historical moment, this story is much more elegant and more beautifully written.
References here: Nerd argues about distinction between fantasy and science fiction, Tolkning av Cthulhukrig, Solaris (1961), “Day of the Dove” (1968), Life (2017), Annihilation (2018).
‣ The Colour Out of Space (2010
Seen in 2014.
Needs better fruit. The lingering effect is not confirmed in the original and the literary qualities are lost.