Review of The Running Man (1987)
2017: Following extensive economic collapse, a cop is jailed for refusing to kill hundreds of food rioters, and blamed for the killings, which his refusal does not prevent. Meeting a resistance movement in prison, he breaks out but is caught to participate in a reality TV game show. Along with two resistance comrades and a hot girl who happens to get beaten, tied up and strangled a lot with a strong sexual undercurrent, the cop has to run through an area of the city ruined by the 1997 earthquake, as gimmicky muscle men selected by a cheering studio audience stalk him.
Violent entertainment about the dangers of violent entertainment. Influenced by cyberpunk in the usual way, The Running Man predicted the first Trump presidency well enough. There’s nothing serious about it, but a few moments are quite nice for reasons other than semi-reflective kitsch.
References here: The Hunger Games (2012), “Hammerhead” (2015).