Opinion on Helliconia Spring (1982) and related work

Helliconia Spring (1982Text)

Brian Aldiss (writer).

Read in Swedish.

text fiction

Helliconia Summer (1983Text)

Brian Aldiss (writer).

Read in Swedish.

text sequel fiction

Helliconia Winter (1985Text)

Brian Aldiss (writer).

Read in Swedish.

The Wheel of Kharnabar is such an awesome vision of the non-narcissistic side of human spirituality. The trilogy, which I read in childhood, remains in my mind as an almost perfect example of warmly human, cartoonish yet very clever science fiction, liberated from the myopia of merely interpersonal drama like Stapledon’s Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future (1930), which no doubt helped inspire its sweep.

References here: Cthulhu Wars sculpts.

text sequel fiction