William Gibson
Gibson (Wikipedia) started out writing brilliantly messy extrapolative science fiction until he was caught up to the future and was just writing ordinary contemporary fiction about the difficulty of predicting the future.
The style of his science fiction is predicted by his SAT score: 148 out of 150 in the written section, 5 out of 150 in mathematics.
Reviewed work
- “Fragments of a Hologram Rose” (1977) Writer
- “Hinterlands” (1981) Writer
- “Johnny Mnemonic” (1981) Writer
- “The Belonging Kind” (1981) Writer
- “The Gernsback Continuum” (1981) Writer
- “Burning Chrome” (1982) Writer
- “Red Star, Winter Orbit” (1983) Writer
- Neuromancer (1984) Writer
- “New Rose Hotel” (1984) Writer
- “Dogfight” (1985) Writer
- Count Zero (1986) Writer
- “The Winter Market” (1986) Writer
- Alien III (1988) Writer
- Mona Lisa Overdrive (1989) Writer
- The Difference Engine (1990) Writer
- “Academy Leader” (1991) Writer
- The X-Files (1993) Writer
- Virtual Light (1993) Writer
- Wild Palms (1993) Cast
- Johnny Mnemonic (1995) Writer
- Idoru (1996) Writer
- All Tomorrow’s Parties (1999) Writer
- No Maps for These Territories (2000) Cast
- Pattern Recognition (2003) Writer
- Spook Country (2007) Writer
- Zero History (2010) Writer
- The Peripheral (2014) Writer
- Archangel (2016) Writer
The following make direct references to the William Gibson tag.
- On re-reading The Lord of the Rings after 20-odd years
- Stand on Zanzibar (1968)
- Dhalgren (1975)
- Alien (1979)
- Blade Runner (1982)
- Akira (1988)
- Gunhed (1989)
- Hyperion (1989)
- Snow Crash (1992)
- Ghost in the Shell (1995)
- Strange Days (1995)
- Blame (1997)
- Webmaster (1998)
- Gundress (1999)
- Altered Carbon (2002)
- Blindsight (2006)
- Terminator Salvation (2009)
- A Tale for the Time Being (2013)
- The Strain (2014)
- HyperNormalisation (2016)
- “Selling Children” (2018)
- Upgrade (2018)