A tag for organizing content
The tabletop RPG (Wikipedia) is its own little medium, bordering on CRPGs, LARP, improv, boardgames and other media.
My TRPG career began around 1995. I soon became the GM of my original Mutant (1989) group and have gone on to administer adventures in Inquisitor (a 40K skirmish game I expanded for role-playing), Misspent Youth, Wild Talents (mainly The Kerberos Club, 2011–2014), Call of Cthulhu (Delta Green), Trail of Cthulhu (The Final Revelation), Kult, Pendragon, Dungeon World, Äventyr (3rd edition, 2017) and various homebrews.
I have played Drakar och demoner (1982, 1991 and 1995 editions), Vampire: The Masquerade, Earthdawn, BESM, more Call of Cthulhu (1920s), Dark Heresy (1st edition), Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (2nd edition), Dungeons & Dragons (3.5, Pathfinder, 5), Neotech (under GURPS), Shock: Social Science Fiction (1.2), Numenéra, Lone Wolf (the heavily processed Swedish edition), Codex Arboris and Hjältarnas tid.
- Rollspel för kräsna och upptagna människor
- Lukács
- Aoristos
- Introduktion till Kerberos Club 2011–2014
- Figuralstring till Kerberos Club 2011–2014
- Initial Assessment
- Communications Security
- Investigating Paranormal Locations
- GM backlog
- Horror Cards
- Thoughts on Earthdawn
- Detwiller’s mathematical Mythos
- Delta Green Tradecraft Manual excerpts
- Horror Cards core rules
- Horror Cards optional rules
- The revolted hero
- The deconsolidation of liberal democracy in horror gaming
- The pulping of Delta Green
- Twin Cities By Night plays “Hoard”
- Secrets of Sweden
- Herskind’s memory of Greenland (1860–1900)
- Kalhjälm and the Vertical (1945–1968)
- The Cult of Transcendence on its home turf (1989–present)
- The intelligence trail (1951–1988)
- The junior anthropologists (1927–1942)
- Namn och yrken för Varulv
- Glädje i bordsrollspel
- Spänning i bordsrollspel
- Trovärdighet i bordsrollspel
- Metaspel i rollspelsmediet
- Rollpersoner i bordsrollspel
- Studier av klichéer i bordsrollspel
- Den antisociala äventyraren
- Det lyckliga slutet
- Draken mot nybörjarna
- Dungeons
- Inneboende ondska
- Tavernaöppningen
- Undergångshot
- Överflöd i trampkvarnen
- Spelledarens makt i bordsrollspel
- Wizards (1977)
- “Gnomes” (1980)
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
- Mazes and Monsters (1982)
- She (1984)
- Record of Lodoss War (1990)
- Dungeons & Dragons (2000)
- “As I See It” (2001)
- “Good Night, Bach Ma, Good-Bye” (2001)
- “Night and Water” (2001)
- “Once More, from the Top” (2001)
- “Russian Dolls” (2001)
- “Suicide Watch” (2001)
- “The Corn King” (2001)
- “The Fast Track” (2001)
- “The Gamers” (2002)
- Mask of the Other (2011)
- “Drakar och demoner – Tronländaren” (2013)
- Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (2022)
The following make direct references to the TRPG tag.
- “Delta Green” tag description
- “Horror Cards” tag description
- “Kerberos Club 2011–2014” tag description
- “RFKOUM” tag description
- Overlapping interests among miniature wargamers
- “The Mark of the Beast” (1890)
- “The Hoard of the Gibbelins” (1912)
- “The Immortal” (1949)
- The Lord of the Rings (1954)
- The Gnostic Gospels (1979)
- Mahoujin Guru-Guru (1994)
- After the Campfires (1998)
- Metodboken — Bibel 2000 (1999)
- American Gods (2001)
- Svavelvinter (2004)
- John Dies at the End (2012)
- Äventyrsspel: bland mutanter, drakar och demoner (2015)
- Performance: A Red Markets Novel (2018)
- “Mot andra världar” (2020)
- Delicious in Dungeon (2024)