Reviewed works tagged this way consist of text and include literature in the basic sense: Novels, short stories, essays, printed non-graphic non-fiction etc. This includes physical books, ebooks, audiobooks, poetry and plays in the medium of text, i.e. scripts. For a larger discussion of editorial policy, see Reviews on this site.
This tag is not applied to moving pictures regardless of text content, but is applied to sequential art and nonsequential art when text content is prominent, as in speech bubbles and curatorial commentary.
- The Epic of Gilgamesh (ca. 2100–1100 BCE)
- “The Poem of the Righteous Sufferer” (ca. 1700–1280 BCE)
- Enūma Eliš (ca. 1100 BCE)
- “Amos” (ca. 750 BCE entry)
- “Micah” (ca. 750–400 BCE entry)
- The Iliad (ca. 700 BCE)
- The Odyssey (ca. 700 BCE)
- 1 Kings (ca. 620–530 BCE entry)
- 1 Samuel (ca. 620–500 BCE entry)
- 2 Kings (ca. 620–530 BCE entry)
- 2 Samuel (ca. 620–500 BCE entry)
- Books of Kings (ca. 620–530 BCE entry)
- Books of Samuel (ca. 620–500 BCE entry)
- Deuteronomy (ca. 630–400 BCE entry)
- “Habakkuk” (ca. 600 BCE entry)
- Joshua (ca. 650–500 BCE entry)
- Judges (ca. 650–500 BCE entry)
- “Nahum” (ca. 600 BCE entry)
- “Zephaniah” (ca. 600 BCE entry)
- “Lamentations” (ca. 586–520 BCE entry)
- “Obadiah” (ca. 586 BCE entry)
- Ezekiel (ca. 600–500 BCE entry)
- “Haggai” (ca. 520 BCE entry)
- “Hosea” (ca. 750–500 BCE entry)
- Isaiah (ca. 600-400 BCE entry)
- Jeremiah (ca. 570–400 BCE entry)
- “Joel” (ca. 500–200 BCE entry)
- “Zechariah” (ca. 516–400 BCE entry)
- The Art of War (ca. 450 BCE)
- “Malachi” (ca. 445 BCE entry)
- Antigone (441 BCE)
- The Histories (440 BCE)
- Oedipus Rex (ca. 429 BCE)
- Oedipus at Colonus (401 BCE)
- Anabasis (ca. 400 BCE)
- Dao De Jing (ca. 400 BCE)
- Exodus (ca. 500–400 BCE entry)
- Genesis (ca. 500–400 BCE entry)
- Leviticus (ca. 500–400 BCE entry)
- “Minor Prophets” (ca. 750–200 BCE entry)
- Numbers (ca. 500–400 BCE entry)
- Pentateuch (ca. 500–400 BCE entry)
- “Ruth” (ca. 500–330 BCE entry)
- “Symposium” (ca. 385–370 BCE)
- Republic (ca. 375 BCE)
- Poetics (ca. 355 BCE)
- Philebus (ca. 360–347 BCE)
- 1 Chronicles (ca 400–250 BCE entry)
- 2 Chronicles (ca 400–250 BCE entry)
- Books of Chronicles (ca. 400–250 BCE entry)
- “Esther” (ca. 300 BCE entry)
- “Ezra” (ca. 300 BCE entry)
- Job (ca. 550–200 BCE entry)
- “Jonah” (ca. 400–200 BCE entry)
- “Nehemiah” (ca. 300 BCE entry)
- Proverbs (ca. 500–200 BCE entry)
- “Ecclesiastes” (ca. 400–180 BCE entry)
- Psalms (ca. 700–200 BCE entry)
- “Song of Songs” (ca. 200 BCE entry)
- “Daniel” (ca. 164 BCE entry)
- The Old Testament (ca. 164 BCE entry)
- Jubilees (ca. 160–150 BCE)
- “On Anger” (ca. 45 CE)
- “On the Shortness of Life” (ca. 49 CE)
- “1 Thessalonians” (ca. 51 CE entry)
- “Galatians” (ca. 55 CE entry)
- “Philemon” (ca. 54–55 CE entry)
- “Philippians” (ca. 54–55 CE entry)
- 1 Corinthians (ca. 56 CE entry)
- 2 Corinthians (ca. 56–57 CE entry)
- “On Clemency” (ca. 55–56 CE)
- Romans (ca. 57 CE entry)
- “On the Happy Life” (ca. 58 CE)
- “On Peace of Mind” (ca. 60 CE)
- “On Leisure” (ca. 62 CE)
- “On Providence” (ca. 64)
- “Colossians” (ca. 62–70 CE entry)
- Mark (ca. 68–70 CE entry)
- “James” (ca. 65–85 CE entry)
- “1 Peter” (ca. 75–90 CE entry)
- “Ephesians” (ca. 80–90 CE entry)
- “Hebrews” (ca. 80–90 CE entry)
- “2 Thessalonians” (ca. 80–115 CE entry)
- Matthew (ca. 80–90 CE entry)
- Revelation (ca. 95 CE entry)
- “1 John” (ca. 90–110 CE entry)
- “1 Timothy” (ca. 100 CE entry)
- “2 John” (ca. 90–110 CE entry)
- “2 Timothy” (ca. 100 CE entry)
- “3 John” (ca. 90–110 CE entry)
- Acts (ca. 80–110 CE entry)
- John (ca. 90–110 CE entry)
- “Jude” (ca. 100 CE entry)
- Luke (ca. 80–110 CE entry)
- “Titus” (ca. 100 CE entry)
- “2 Peter” (ca. 110 CE entry)
- Epistles (ca. 110 CE entry)
- Gospels (ca. 110 CE entry)
- The Bible (ca. 110 CE, contains 4)
- The New Testament (ca. 110 CE entry)
- The Golden Ass (ca. 160 CE)
- True History (ca. 175 CE)
- The Quran (632/650)
- Beowulf (ca. 700–1000)
- “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter” (ca. 900 CE)
- The Song of Roland (ca. 1115)
- “The Princess Who Loved Insects” (ca. 1250)
- Völsunga Saga (ca. 1250–1300)
- Njáls saga (ca. 1270–1290)
- La Vita Nuova (1294)
- Divine Comedy (1320)
- The Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok (ca. 1300–1350)
- “A Gest of Robyn Hode” (ca. 1450)
- The Prince (1513/1532)
- Essays (1580)
- Hamlet (1603)
- Don Quixote (1605)
- Macbeth (1606)
- Don Quixote: Part Two (1615)
- “Upon the Circumcision” (1633/1645)
- Leviathan (1651)
- Paradise Lost (1667/1674)
- Robinson Crusoe (1719)
- Gulliver’s Travels (1726)
- “A Modest Proposal” (1729)
- “Beauty and the Beast” (1756)
- Candide (1759)
- The Castle of Otranto (1764)
- The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774/1787)
- “Boadicea: An Ode” (1782)
- “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (1798)
- Faust, Part One (1808)
- “Little Snow-White” (1812)
- “Rapunzel” (1812)
- Emma (1815)
- “Darkness” (1816)
- “Kubla Khan” (1816)
- “The Castled Crag of Drachenfels” (1816)
- Frankenstein (1818)
- “Ozymandias” (1818)
- “Ode on a Grecian Urn” (1819)
- “Wandering Willie’s Tale” (1824)
- The Last Man (1826)
- “A Dream” (1827)
- “Dreams” (1827)
- “Evening Star” (1827)
- “Imitation” (1827)
- “Song” (1827)
- “Spirits of the Dead” (1827)
- “Stanzas” (1827)
- “Tamerlane” (1827)
- “The Happiest Day” (1827)
- “The Lake” (1827)
- “The Tapestried Chamber” (1828)
- “Al Aaraaf” (1829)
- “Elizabeth” (1829)
- “Fairy-Land” (1829)
- “Romance” (1829)
- “Sonnet — To Science” (1829)
- “To Marie Louise” (1829)
- “To the River” (1829)
- “To —” (1829)
- “Alone” (1830)
- Familjen H*** (1830)
- “To M—” (1830)
- “A Pæan” (1831)
- “Israfel” (1831)
- “The City in the Sea” (1831)
- “The Sleeper” (1831)
- “The Valley Nis” (1831)
- “To Helen” (1831)
- “A Tale of Jerusalem” (1832)
- “Loss of Breath” (1832)
- “Metzengerstein” (1832)
- “The Duc de L’Omelette” (1832)
- “The Mysterious Mansion” (1832)
- “MS. Found in a Bottle” (1833)
- “Serenade” (1833)
- “The Coliseum” (1833)
- “The Assignation” (1834)
- “The Queen of Spades” (1834)
- The Queen’s Tiara (1834)
- “Berenice” (1835)
- “Bon-Bon” (1835)
- “Hymn” (1835 entry)
- “King Pest” (1835)
- Le Père Goriot (1835)
- “Lionizing” (1835)
- “Little Claus and Big Claus” (1835)
- “Morella” (1835)
- “Shadow—A Parable” (1835)
- The Life of Jesus, Critically Examined (1835/1840)
- “The Princess and the Pea” (1835)
- “The Story of Euphemia Hewit” (1835)
- “The Tinderbox” (1835)
- “The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall” (1835)
- “Thumbelina” (1835)
- “To F——s S. O——d” (1835/1845)
- “Young Goodman Brown” (1835)
- “Four Beasts in One” (1836)
- “Bridal Ballad” (1837)
- “Mystification” (1837)
- “Sonnet — To Zante” (1837)
- “The Emperor’s New Clothes” (1837)
- “The Little Mermaid” (1837)
- “A Predicament” (1838 entry)
- “How to Write a Blackwood Article” (1838)
- “Ligeia” (1838)
- “Silence—A Fable” (1838)
- The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (1838)
- “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” (1838)
- “The Story of Mary Ancel” (1838)
- “The Story of the Bagman’s Uncle” (1838)
- Det går an (1839)
- “The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion” (1839)
- “The Devil in the Belfry” (1839)
- “The Fall of the House of Usher” (1839)
- “The Haunted Palace” (1839 entry)
- “The Man That Was Used Up” (1839)
- “The Storks” (1839)
- “William Wilson” (1839)
- “Silence” (1840)
- “The Business Man” (1840)
- “The Man of the Crowd” (1840)
- “The Spectre of Tappington” (1840)
- What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government (1840)
- “Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling” (1840)
- “A Descent into the Maelström” (1841)
- “Never Bet the Devil Your Head” (1841)
- “The Colloquy of Monos and Una” (1841)
- “The Island of the Fay” (1841)
- “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” (1841)
- “Three Sundays in a Week” (1841)
- “Eleonora” (1842)
- “The Masque of the Red Death” (1842)
- The Mystery of Marie Rogêt (1842)
- “The Oval Portrait” (1842)
- “The Overcoat” (1842)
- “The Pit and the Pendulum” (1842)
- A Christmas Carol (1843)
- “Diddling” (1843)
- “Eulalie” (1843)
- “Lenore” (1843)
- “The Black Cat” (1843)
- “The Conqueror Worm” (1843 entry)
- “The Gold-Bug” (1843)
- “The Tell-Tale Heart” (1843)
- “The Ugly Duckling” (1843)
- “To One in Paradise” (1843)
- “A Tale of the Ragged Mountains” (1844)
- “Dream-Land” (1844)
- “Mesmeric Revelation” (1844)
- “The Angel of the Odd” (1844)
- “The Balloon-Hoax” (1844)
- The Count of Monte Cristo (1844)
- The Ego and Its Own (1844)
- “The Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq.” (1844)
- “The Oblong Box” (1844)
- “The Premature Burial” (1844)
- “The Purloined Letter” (1844)
- “The Spectacles” (1844)
- “‘Thou Art the Man’” (1844)
- “Epigram for Wall Street” (1845)
- “Some Words with a Mummy” (1845)
- “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar” (1845)
- “The Imp of the Perverse” (1845)
- “The Little Match Girl” (1845)
- “The Power of Words” (1845)
- “The Raven” (1845)
- “The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether” (1845)
- “The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade” (1845)
- “The Valley of Unrest” (1845)
- “To F——” (1845)
- “A Valentine” (1846)
- “The Cask of Amontillado” (1846)
- “The Sphinx” (1846)
- Jane Eyre (1847)
- “The Domain of Arnheim” (1847)
- “To M. L. S.” (1847)
- “Ulalume” (1847)
- “An Enigma” (1848)
- “Eldorado” (1848)
- “The Bells” (1848)
- “The Communist Manifesto” (1848)
- “To Helen” (1848)
- “A Dream Within a Dream” (1849)
- “Annabel Lee” (1849)
- “For Annie” (1849)
- “Hop-Frog” (1849)
- Kalevala (1849)
- “Landor’s Cottage” (1849)
- “Mellonta Tauta” (1849)
- “To My Mother” (1849)
- “Von Kempelen and His Discovery” (1849)
- “X-ing a Paragrab” (1849)
- “Awake Ye Muses Nine, Sing Me a Strain Divine” (1850)
- “An Account of Some Strange Disturbances in Aungier Street” (1851)
- “Ghost Stories of Chapelizod” (1851)
- Moby-Dick (1851)
- “There Is Another Sky” (1851)
- “A Terribly Strange Bed” (1852)
- “‘Sic Transit Gloria Mundi’” (1852)
- “On This Wondrous Sea” (1853)
- “The Millennium” (1853)
- “To —” (1853)
- “I Have a Bird in Spring” (1854)
- Walden (1854)
- “Blockhead Hans” (1855)
- “La vie antérieure” (1855)
- “The Squire’s Story” (1855)
- Madame Bovary (1856)
- “Correspondances” (1857)
- “Harmonie du soir” (1857)
- “Spleen” (1857)
- “Une charogne” (1857)
- “A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!” (1858)
- “Frequently the Woods Are Pink” (1858)
- “Heart! We Will Forget Him!” (1858/1859)
- “I Hav’nt Told My Garden Yet” (1858)
- “I Often Passed the Village” (1858)
- “I Robbed the Woods” (1858)
- “If I Should Die” (1858)
- “If Those I Loved Were Lost” (1858)
- “Nobody Knows This Little Rose” (1858)
- “Oh If Remembering Were Forgetting” (1858)
- “Snowflakes” (1858)
- “Taken from Men — This Morning” (1858)
- “The Feet of People Walking Home” (1858)
- “We Lose — Because We Win” (1858)
- “A Science — so the Savants Say” (1859)
- A Tale of Two Cities (1859)
- “Angels in the Early Morning” (1859)
- “Bless God, He Went As Soldiers” (1859)
- “Fisher’s Ghost” (1859)
- “For Every Bird a Nest” (1859)
- “Good Night, Because We Must” (1859)
- “If She Had Been the Mistletoe” (1858/1859)
- “It Did Not Surprise Me” (1859)
- “Le voyage VIII” (1859)
- “L’Albatros” (1859)
- “My Friend Attacks My Friend” (1859)
- On the Origin of Species (1859)
- “Safe in Their Alabaster Chambers” (1859)
- “So Bashful When I Spied Her” (1859)
- “Soul, Wilt Thou Toss Again?” (1859)
- “South Winds Jostle Them” (1859)
- “Success Is Counted Sweetest” (1859)
- “The Daisy Follows Soft the Sun” (1859/1860)
- “The Haunted and the Haunters” (1859)
- “The Rainbow Never Tells Me” (1859)
- “There’s Something Quieter Than Sleep” (1858/1859)
- “To Venerate the Simple Days” (1858/1859)
- “Water, Is Taught by Thirst” (1859)
- “What Inn Is This” (1859)
- “What Was It? A Mystery” (1859)
- “Where I Have Lost, I Softer Tread” (1859/1860)
- “Who Never Lost, Are Unprepared” (1859)
- “Whose Cheek Is This?” (1859)
- “‘Arcturus’ Is His Other Name” (1859)
- “‘Houses’ — so the Wise Men Tell Me” (1859)
- “’Twas Such a Little — Little Boat” (1859/1860)
- “A Fuzzy Fellow Without Feet” (1860)
- “A Slash of Blue” (1860/1861)
- “A Wounded Deer Leaps Highest” (1860)
- “Come Slowly — Eden” (1860/1861)
- “Dying! Dying in the Night” (1860/1861)
- “I Shall Know Why, When Time Is Over” (1860/1861)
- “I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed” (1860/1861)
- “Make Me a Picture of the Sun” (1860/1861)
- “Musicians Wrestle Everywhere” (1860/1861)
- “My River Runs to Thee” (1860/1861)
- “Pine Bough” (1860/1861)
- “The Rose Did Caper on Her Cheek” (1860/1861)
- “What Is — ‘Paradise’” (1860/1861)
- “A Solemn Thing — It Was — I Said” (1861/1862)
- Great Expectations (1861)
- “I Came to Buy a Smile — Today” (1861)
- “I Held a Jewel in My Fingers” (1861)
- “If Your Nerve, Deny You” (1861/1862)
- “It Can’t be ‘Summer’” (1861)
- “Many a Phrase Has the English Language” (1861/1862)
- “Of Bronze — and Blaze” (1861/1862)
- “Over the Fence” (1861)
- “The Drop, That Wrestles in the Sea” (1861)
- “Ultor de Lacy” (1861)
- “Unto Like Story — Trouble Has Enticed Me” (1861/1862)
- “What If I Say I Shall Not Wait” (1861/1862)
- “Where Ships of Purple — Gently Toss” (1861/1861)
- “Wild Nights — Wild Nights” (1861)
- “You’re Right — ‘The Way Is Narrow’” (1861)
- “‘Hope’ Is the Thing With Feathers” (1861/1862)
- “A Dying Tiger — Moaned for Drink” (1862/1863)
- “A Secret Told” (1862/1863)
- “Again — His Voice Is at the Door” (1862)
- “At Least — to Pray — Is Left — Is Left” (1862)
- “Beauty — be Not Caused — It Is” (1862/1863)
- “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” (1862/1863)
- “Bianca Among the Nightingales” (1862)
- “Blazing in Gold and Quenching in Purple” (1862)
- “Dont Put Up My Thread & Needle” (1862/1863)
- “Doom Is the House Without the Door” (1862/1863)
- “Eveline’s Visitant” (1862)
- “Forever — Is Composed of Nows” (1862/1863)
- “From Blank to Blank” (1862/1863)
- “Funny — to be a Century” (1862/1863)
- “Good Morning — Midnight” (1862)
- “Her Sweet Weight on My Heart a Night” (1862/1863)
- “I Could Not Prove the Years Had Feet” (1862/1863)
- “I Died for Beauty, but Was Scarce” (1862)
- “I Dwell in Possibility” (1862)
- “I Envy Seas, Whereon He Rides” (1862)
- “I Had No Time to Hate” (1862/1863)
- “I Heard a Fly Buzz — When I Died” (1862/1863)
- “I Know a Place Where Summer Strives” (1862)
- “I Measure Every Grief I Meet” (1862/1863)
- “I Should Have Been Too Glad, I See” (1862)
- “I Think I Was Enchanted” (1862/1863)
- “I Think the Longest Hour of All” (1862)
- “I Took My Power in My Hand” (1862/1863)
- “I Would Not Paint — a Picture” (1862)
- “I Years Had Been From Home” (1862)
- “If Anybody’s Friend be Dead” (1862)
- “It Sifts From Leaden Sieves” (1862)
- “Much Madness Is Divinest Sense” (1862/1863)
- “Not in This World to See His Face” (1862)
- “Of All the Souls That Stand Create” (1862)
- “One Need Not be a Chamber — to be Haunted” (1862/1863)
- “Rest at Night” (1862/1863)
- “She Dealt Her Pretty Words Like Blades” (1862)
- “Sweet — You Forgot — but I Remembered” (1862/1863)
- “The Angle of a Landscape” (1862/1863)
- “The Black Berry — Wears a Thorn in His Side” (1862/1863)
- “The Day Came Slow — till Five o'Clock” (1862/1863)
- “The First Day’s Night Had Come” (1862)
- “The Lightning Playeth — All the While” (1862/1863)
- “The Love a Life Can Show Below” (1862/1863)
- “The Manner of It’s Death” (1862/1863)
- “The Martyr Poets — Did Not Tell” (1862/1863)
- “The Months Have Ends — the Years — a Knot” (1862)
- “The Moon Is Distant From the Sea” (1862)
- “The Night Was Wide, and Furnished Scant” (1862/1863)
- “The Power to Be True to You” (1862/1863)
- “The Spider Holds a Silver Ball” (1862/1863)
- “The Test of Love – Is Death” (1862)
- “The Wind Did’nt Come From the Orchard — Today” (18)
- “The Wind — Tapped Like a Tired Man” (1862/1863)
- “There Came a Day at Summer’s Full” (1862)
- “They Shut Me Up in Prose” (1862)
- “This Is My Letter to the World” (1862/1863)
- “To Hear an Oriole Sing” (1862)
- “To Offer Brave Assistance” (1862/1863)
- “Trust in the Unexpected” (1862/1863)
- “Two Butterflies went Out at Noon” (1862/1863)
- “We Grow Accustomed to the Dark” (1862)
- “We Learned the Whole of Love” (1862/1863)
- “We Talked as Girls Do” (1862)
- “When Diamonds Are a Legend” (1862/1863)
- “You Cannot Put a Fire Out” (1862)
- “‘Why Do I Love’ You, Sir?” (1862)
- “A Curious Cloud Surprised the Sky” (1863)
- “A Drop Fell on the Apple Tree” (1863/1864)
- “A Thought Went Up My Mind Today” (1863)
- “Bloom Upon the Mountain — Stated” (1863)
- “Drama’s Vitallest Expression Is the Common Day” (1863)
- “Expectation — Is Contentment” (1863/1864)
- “Grief Is a Mouse” (1863)
- “I Could Bring You Jewels — Had I a Mind to” (1863)
- “I Send Two Sunsets” (1863)
- “Just to be Rich” (1863)
- “Light Is Sufficient to Itself” (1863/1864)
- “My Life Had Stood — a Loaded Gun” (1863)
- “Narrative of a Ghost of a Hand” (1863)
- “Nature — the Gentlest Mother Is” (1863)
- “Never for Society” (1863)
- “She Staked Her Feathers — Gained an Arc” (1863/1864)
- “Such Is the Force of Happiness” (1863/1864)
- “Sweet Mountains — Ye Tell Me No Lie” (1863)
- “The Judge Is Like the Owl” (1863)
- “The Loneliness One Dare Not Sound” (1863/1864)
- “The Sun Kept Setting — Setting — Still” (1863)
- “They dropped like Flakes” (1863)
- “Time Feels so Vast That Were It Not” (1863/1864)
- “To Wait an Hour — Is Long” (1863/1864)
- “Where Thou Art — That — Is Home” (1863)
- “A Light Exists in Spring” (1864/1865)
- “As Frost Is Best Conceived” (1864/1865)
- “As Sleigh Bells Seem in Summer” (1864)
- “Enivrez-vous” (1864)
- “Fairer Through Fading — as the Day” (1864)
- “How Far Is It to Heaven?” (1864/1865)
- “I Felt a Cleaving in My Mind” (1864)
- “I Made Slow Riches but My Gain” (1864/1865)
- “If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking” (1864/1865)
- Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864)
- Notes from Underground (1864)
- “Of Tolling Bell I Ask the Cause?” (1864/1865)
- “Peace Is a Fiction of Our Faith” (1864/1865)
- “The Admirations — and Contempts — of Time” (1864)
- “The Hollows Round His Eager Eyes” (1864/1865)
- “The Phantom Coach” (1864)
- “The Poets Light but Lamps” (1864)
- “The Robin for the Crumb” (1864)
- “The Soul’s Distinct Connection” (1864/1865)
- “The Sun and Moon Must Make Their Haste” (1864/1865)
- “The Wind Begun to Knead the Grass” (1864)
- “This Chasm, Sweet, Upon My Life” (1864/1865)
- “This Consciousness That Is Aware” (1864)
- “This Is a Blossom of the Brain” (1865/1866)
- “Two Travellers Perishing in Snow” (1864/1865)
- “Unable Are the Loved to Die” (1864/1865)
- “What I See Not, I Better See” (1864)
- “Wicked Captain Walshawe of Wauling” (1864)
- “A Narrow Fellow in the Grass” (1865)
- “Air Has No Residence, No Neighbor” (1865)
- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865)
- “Crumbling Is Not an Instant’s Act” (1865)
- From the Earth to the Moon (1865)
- “Further in Summer Than the Birds” (1865)
- “Gratitude — Is Not the Mention” (1865)
- “I Heard, as If I Had No Ear” (1865)
- “The Bustle in a House” (1865/1866)
- “The Dying Need but Little, Dear” (1865)
- “The Largest Fire Ever Known” (1865)
- “Three Weeks Passed Since — I Had Seen Her” (1865)
- “To Be Taken with a Grain of Salt” (1865)
- “Up Life’s Hill With My Little Bundle” (1865)
- “Chanson d’automne” (1866)
- Crime and Punishment (1866)
- “The Frost of Death Was on the Pane” (1866/1869)
- “The Signal-Man” (1866)
- Capital: A Critique of Political Economy (1867/1887)
- “The Botathen Ghost” (1867)
- “The Golden Key” (1867)
- “The Merchant of the Picturesque” (1867/1868)
- Thérèse Raquin (1867)
- Little Women (1868)
- “Squire Toby’s Will” (1868)
- “Tell All the Truth but Tell It Slant” (1868/1872)
- “The Snow That Never Drifts” (1868/1869)
- “These Are the Nights That Beetles Love” (1868)
- “Clair de lune” (1869)
- “How Many Schemes May Die” (1869/1874)
- Little Women: Part Two (1869)
- “The Duties of the Wind Are Few” (1869)
- “A Not Admitting of the Wound” (1870)
- For the Term of His Natural Life (1870)
- Round the Moon (1870)
- “Stories of Lough Guir” (1870)
- “The Child That Went with the Fairies” (1870)
- “The Sleeper in the Valley” (1870/1888)
- “The Vision of Tom Chuff” (1870)
- “The White Cat of Drumgunniol” (1870)
- Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870)
- “A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky” (1871 entry)
- “Haddocks’ Eyes” (1871 entry)
- “Jabberwocky” (1871 entry)
- “Madam Crowl’s Ghost” (1871)
- “Oh Shadow on the Grass” (1871)
- “So Much of Heaven Has Gone From Earth” (1871/1872)
- “Step Lightly on This Narrow Spot” (1871)
- The Coming Race (1871)
- “The Mountains Stood in Haze” (1871/1873)
- “The Walrus and the Carpenter” (1871 entry)
- Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871)
- “Vowels” (1871/1883)
- “Who Goes to Dine Must Take His Feast” (1871/1872)
- “A Word Dropped Careless on a Page” (1872/1873)
- “Dickon the Devil” (1872)
- “Green Tea” (1872)
- “Longing Is Like the Seed” (1872/1873)
- Master Olof (1872)
- “My Triumph Lasted Till the Drums” (1871/1872)
- “Risk Is the Hair That Holds the Tun” (1872)
- “Sir Dominick’s Bargain” (1872)
- The Fur Country (1872)
- Anna Karenina (1873)
- Around the World in Eighty Days (1873)
- “Because That You Are Going” (1873/1874)
- “There Is No Frigate Like a Book” (1873)
- “Toast funèbre” (1873)
- “While We Were Fearing It, It Came” (1873/1874)
- “Ô saisons, ô chateaux” (1873)
- “As Summer Into Autumn Slips” (1874/1875)
- “Delight’s Despair at Setting” (1874/1875)
- “Il pleure dans mon cœur” (1874)
- “Not With a Club, the Heart Is Broken” (1874)
- “Let Me Not Mar That Perfect Dream” (1875)
- “Upon a Lilac Sea” (1875)
- “Dreams are the Subtle Dower” (1876)
- “How Much the Present Moment Means” (1876/1877)
- “Long Years Apart — Can Make No” (1876)
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)
- “The Bat Is Dun, With Wrinkled Wings” (1876)
- “Trusty as the Stars” (1876)
- “It Sounded as If the Streets Were Running” (1877)
- “Lay this Laurel on the One” (1877)
- “One Joy of so Much Anguish” (1877)
- “What Mystery Pervades a Well” (1877)
- “Death Is the Supple Suitor” (1878)
- A Doll’s House (1879)
- “Hope Is a Subtle Glutton” (1879/1882)
- “If Wrecked Upon the Shoal of Thought” (1879)
- The Brothers Karamazov (1879)
- “The Fascinating Chill That Music Leaves” (1879)
- “Glass Was the Street — in Tinsel Peril” (1880)
- “My Country Need Not Change Her Gown” (1880/1881)
- “The Face in Evanescence Lain” (1880)
- “You Cannot Make Remembrance Grow” (1880)
- “A Faded Boy — in Sallow Clothes” (1881)
- Heidi (1881)
- “Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit” (1881)
- “The Bird Her Punctual Music Brings” (1881/1883)
- “The Butterfly Upon the Sky” (1881)
- “Thrawn Janet” (1881)
- Treasure Island (1881)
- “Art poetique” (1882)
- “He Ate and Drank the Precious Words” (1882)
- “No Matter Where the Saints Abide” (1882)
- “Sweet Pirate of the Heart” (1882)
- “Those — Dying Then” (1882)
- “A Vendetta” (1883)
- “No Ladder Needs the Bird but Skies” (1883)
- “The Captain of the Polestar” (1883)
- “The Lassitudes of Contemplation” (1883)
- “The Spirit Lasts — but in What Mode” (1883)
- “There Came a Wind Like a Bugle” (1883)
- Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (1883)
- “A Drunkard Cannot Meet a Cork” (1884)
- “A Ghostly Manifestation” (1884)
- Flatland (1884)
- Getting Married (1884)
- “Ghost in the Tower” (1884)
- “Markheim” (1884)
- “Not Knowing When the Dawn Will Come” (1884)
- “Talk Not to Me of Summer Trees” (1884)
- “Useful Work versus Useless Toil” (1884)
- “Who Is It Seeks My Pillow Nights” (1884)
- Money (1885)
- “The Swan” (1885)
- “Aube” (1886)
- “Being Beauteous” (1886)
- “Départ” (1886)
- “Marine” (1886)
- “Parsifal” (1886/1888)
- “Pierrots” (1886)
- “Solde” (1886)
- Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886)
- A Study in Scarlet (1887)
- On the Genealogy of Morality: A Polemic (1887)
- “Sorok let” (1887)
- “The Canterville Ghost” (1887)
- The People of Hemsö (1887)
- Miss Julie (1888)
- The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (1890)
- “The Mark of the Beast” (1890)
- “The Ring of Thoth” (1890)
- “Haïta, the Shepherd” (1891)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891)
- “Lot No. 249” (1892)
- “The Los Amigos Fiasco” (1892)
- “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1892)
- “Man-Size in Marble” (1893)
- “The Case of Lady Sannox” (1893)
- “The Final Problem” (1893)
- “Canon Alberic’s Scrap-Book” (1894)
- “Gudsfreden” (1894)
- “The Damned Thing” (1894)
- “The Lord of Château Noir” (1894)
- “The Upper Berth” (1894)
- Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero (1895)
- The King in Yellow (1895)
- The Time Machine (1895)
- “Toute l’âme résumée” (1895)
- “What the Tortoise Said to Achilles” (1895)
- “Softened by Time’s Consummate Plush” (1896)
- “Sweet Hours Have Perished Here” (1896)
- The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896)
- “The Plattner Story” (1896)
- “To Make a Prairie It Takes a Clover and One Bee” (1896)
- “Des sehers wort ist wenigen gemeinsam” (1897)
- Dracula (1897)
- “How the Whale Got His Throat” (1897)
- “Komm in den totgesagten park und schau” (1897)
- The Invisible Man (1897)
- “The Little Glass Bottle” (1897)
- The War of the Worlds (1897)
- “Wir schreiten auf und ab im reichen flitter” (1897)
- “Pälsen” (1898)
- “The Mystery of the Grave-Yard” (1898)
- “The New Catacomb” (1898)
- “The Secret Cave” (1898)
- The Turn of the Screw (1898)
- “Youth” (1898)
- “The Brown Hand” (1899)
- The Heart of Darkness (1899)
- Lord Jim (1900)
- “Playing with Fire” (1900)
- Martin Birck’s Youth (1901)
- “The New Accelerator” (1901)
- “Die Engel” (1902)
- Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902)
- “Pont du Carrousel” (1902)
- The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902)
- “The Leather Funnel” (1902)
- “The Monkey’s Paw” (1902)
- “The Mysterious Ship” (1902)
- “Der Panther” (1903)
- “Count Magnus” (1904)
- “Lost Hearts” (1904)
- “Number 13” (1904)
- “The Ash Tree” (1904)
- “The Mezzotint” (1904)
- “The Treasure of Abbot Thomas” (1904)
- “‘Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Lad’” (1904)
- Doctor Glas (1905)
- “Möwenlied” (1905)
- “The Beast in the Cave” (1905)
- The Jungle (1905)
- The Scarlet Pimpernel (1905)
- “Neznakomka” (1906)
- “Ballade des äusseren Lebens” (1907)
- Lord of the World (1907)
- Norrtullsligan (1907)
- “Stirner: The Ego and His Own” (1907)
- “The Alchemist” (1908)
- The House on the Borderland (1908)
- “The Jolly Corner” (1908)
- “Thurnley Abbey” (1908)
- “Praise of Ysolt” (1909)
- Life in the Middle Ages (1910)
- “Palmström” (1910)
- Sveriges natur (1910, contains 4)
- “The Gateway of the Monster” (1910)
- “The Terror of Blue John Gap” (1910)
- “Zakljatie smechom” (1910)
- “A School Story” (1911)
- “Casting the Runes” (1911)
- “Der Blinde” (1911)
- “Martin’s Close” (1911)
- “Mr Humphreys and His Inheritance” (1911)
- “The Prayer” (1911)
- “The Rose Garden” (1911)
- “The Stalls of Barchester Cathedral” (1911)
- “The Tractate Middoth” (1911)
- A Princess of Mars (1912/1917)
- Death in Venice (1912)
- “Mann und Frau gehn durch die Krebsbaracke” (1912)
- “Sredni Vashtar” (1912)
- “The Hoard of the Gibbelins” (1912)
- The Night Land (1912)
- “Alba” (1913)
- “Chantre” (1913)
- “Hagia Sophia” (1912/1913)
- “How It Happened” (1913)
- “In a Station of the Metro” (1913)
- “Kaspar Hauser Lied” (1913)
- “Les colchiques” (1913)
- My Childhood (1913)
- “The Horror of the Heights” (1913)
- “Večerom” (1913)
- “A Cap of Lead Across the Sky” (1914)
- “Aylmer Vance and the Vampire” (1914)
- “Beauty Crowds Me Till I Die” (1914)
- “Dracula’s Guest” (1914)
- “Fame Is a Fickle Food” (1914)
- “I Did Not Reach Thee” (1914)
- “Laura” (1914)
- “The Open Window” (1914)
- “There Is a Solitude of Space” (1914)
- “T’was Comfort in Her Dying Room” (1914)
- “Die Nacht” (1915)
- “Grodek” (1915)
- “In Flanders Fields” (1915)
- “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (1915)
- “The Metamorphosis” (1915)
- The Trial (1915)
- “Theodore the Poet” (1915)
- “A Pact” (1916)
- “Chicago” (1916)
- “Jag” (1916)
- “L’art, 1910” (1916)
- “Stjärnorna” (1916)
- The Nose (1916)
- “A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson” (1917)
- “O pašni, pašni, pašni” (1917/1918)
- “The Wild Swans at Coole” (1917)
- “V lesu” (1917)
- “August, 1914” (1918)
- “Bliss” (1918)
- “Desire” (1918)
- “Grass” (1918)
- “Nemesis” (1918)
- “Roundel” (1918)
- The Hell Screen (1918)
- “The Moon Pool” (1918)
- The Spider’s Thread (1918)
- “The Stabbed Dove and the Fountain” (1918)
- “An Episode of Cathedral History” (1919)
- “Beyond the Wall of Sleep” (1919)
- “Dagon” (1919)
- “In the Cliff Land of the Dane” (1919)
- “Memory” (1919)
- “Old Bugs” (1919)
- “San Martino del Carso” (1919)
- “Sweet Ermengarde” (1917–1921)
- “The Beast with Five Fingers” (1919)
- “The Diary of Mr. Poynter” (1919)
- “The Green Meadow” (1919)
- “The Residence at Whitminster” (1919)
- “The Story of a Disappearance and an Appearance” (1919)
- The Tangerines (1919)
- “The Transition of Juan Romero” (1919)
- “The White Ship” (1919)
- “Two Doctors” (1919)
- “Celephaïs” (1920)
- “Gerontion” (1920)
- Nezumi-Kozō (1920)
- “Nyarlathotep” (1920)
- “Poetry and the Gods” (1920)
- “Polaris” (1920)
- “Sweeney Among the Nightingales” (1920)
- “The Cats of Ulthar” (1920)
- “The Doom That Came to Sarnath” (1920)
- “The Graveyard by the Sea” (1920)
- “The Statement of Randolph Carter” (1920)
- “The Street” (1920)
- “The Temple” (1920)
- “Ex Oblivione” (1921)
- “Facts concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family” (1921)
- “The Crawling Chaos” (1921)
- The Good Soldier Švejk (1921)
- “The Moon-Bog” (1921)
- “The Music of Erich Zann” (1921)
- “The Nameless City” (1921)
- “The Nightmare Room” (1921)
- “The Other Gods” (1921)
- “The Picture in the House” (1921)
- “The Terrible Old Man” (1921)
- “The Tree” (1921)
- “Azathoth” (1922)
- “Herbert West—Reanimator” (1922)
- “Prikaz №2 armii iskusstv” (1922)
- “The Brazilian Cat” (1922)
- “The Hound” (1922)
- “The Tomb” (1922)
- “Hypnos” (1923)
- “The Gatewood Caper” (1923)
- “The Horror at Martin’s Beach” (1923)
- “The Lurking Fear” (1923)
- “What the Moon Brings” (1923)
- A Clod of Soil (1924)
- “After Dark in the Playing Fields” (1924)
- “Imprisoned with the Pharaohs” (1924)
- “Popytka revnosti” (1924)
- “The Rats in the Walls” (1924)
- “The Shunned House” (1924)
- “There Was a Man Dwelt by a Churchyard” (1924)
- “Unknown Soldiers” (1924)
- “Vanha valtias” (1924)
- We (1924)
- “A Lost Wood” (1925)
- “A Neighbour’s Landmark” (1925)
- “A View from a Hill” (1925)
- “A Warning to the Curious” (1925)
- “An Evening’s Entertainment” (1925)
- “Corkscrew” (1925)
- “Dead Yellow Women” (1925)
- “In the Vault” (1925)
- “Ingenting” (1925)
- “Mediterraneo” (1925)
- Metropolis (1925)
- “Och släckt var allt” (1925)
- “The Festival” (1925)
- The Great Gatsby (1925)
- “The Gutting of Couffignal” (1925)
- “The Haunted Dolls’ House” (1925)
- “The Hollow Men” (1925)
- “The Scorced Face” (1925)
- “The Uncommon Prayer-Book” (1925)
- “The Unnamable” (1925)
- “Översvämning i storslaget landskap” (1925)
- “He” (1926)
- “The Call of Cthulhu” (1926)
- “The Night Wire” (1926)
- “The Outsider” (1926)
- “The Rocking-Horse Winner” (1926)
- “$106,000 Blood Money” (1927)
- Genkaku-Sanbō (1927)
- “History of the Necronomicon” (1927)
- “Pickman’s Model” (1927)
- “Sailing to Byzantium” (1927)
- “Supernatural Horror in Literature” (1927)
- “The Big Knockover” (1927)
- The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (1927)
- “The Colour Out of Space” (1927)
- “The Descendant” (1927)
- The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (1927)
- “The Horror at Red Hook” (1927)
- “The Red Brain” (1927)
- “The Very Old Folk” (1927)
- “Two Black Bottles” (1927)
- “Cool Air” (1928)
- “Ibid” (1928)
- “Salomon-Song: Die Ballade von den Prominenten” (1928)
- “The Last Test” (1928)
- “This King Business” (1928)
- “Twenty Rules for Writing Detective Stories” (1928)
- “Wailing Well” (1928)
- “Fly Paper” (1929)
- “Magic in Fantasy and Fiction” (1929)
- “Rats” (1929)
- “Stories I have Tried to Write” (1929)
- “The Curse of Yig” (1929)
- “The Detective Story Decalogue” (1929)
- “The Dunwich Horror” (1929)
- “The Silver Key” (1929)
- Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future (1930)
- “Medusa’s Coil” (1930)
- “The Ancient Track” (1930)
- “The Electric Executioner” (1930)
- “The Mound” (1930)
- “The Second Satellite” (1930)
- “The Whisperer in Darkness” (1930)
- “A Hanging” (1931)
- “L’union libre” (1931)
- “The Meteor Girl” (1931)
- “The Sargasso of Space” (1931)
- “The Strange High House in the Mist” (1931)
- “The Tale of Satampra Zeiros” (1931)
- “The Trap” (1931)
- “A Scientist Rises” (1932)
- “Autopsicografia” (1932)
- Brave New World (1932)
- “Facteur Cheval” (1932)
- “The Door to Saturn” (1932)
- “The Horror in the Museum” (1932)
- “The Man of Stone” (1932)
- “The Man of Tyre” (1932)
- “The Phoenix on the Sword” (1932)
- “The Pygmy Planet” (1932)
- “The Radiant Shell” (1932)
- “The Testament of Athammaus” (1932)
- “The Weird of Avoosl Wuthoqquan” (1932)
- Under meteorernas trumeld (1932)
- “And Death Shall Have No Dominion” (1933)
- “Black Colossus” (1933)
- “Gacela de la huída” (ca. 1931–1934)
- “Mattina” (1933)
- “Out of the Aeons” (1933)
- “Salvage in Space” (1933)
- “Tarnhelm” (1933)
- “The Dreams in the Witch House” (1933)
- “The Express” (1933)
- “The Ice Demon” (1933)
- “The Pool of the Black One” (1933)
- “The Slithering Shadow” (1933)
- “The Thing on the Doorstep” (1933)
- “The Tower of the Elephant” (1933)
- “Ubbo-Sathla” (1933)
- “A Witch Shall Be Born” (1934)
- “Dedikation” (1934)
- “Elegier III” (1934)
- “Fossil inskrift” (1934)
- “From Beyond” (1934)
- “Höstsejd” (1934)
- Nu var det 1914 (1934)
- “Queen of the Black Coast” (1934)
- “Rogues in the House” (1934)
- “Shadows in the Moonlight” (1934)
- “The Devil in Iron” (1934)
- “The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower” (1934)
- “The People of the Black Circle” (1934)
- “The Seven Geases” (1934)
- “The Valley of the Worm” (1934)
- “The White Sybil” (1934)
- “Through the Gates of the Silver Key” (1934)
- Triplanetary (1934/1948)
- “Bön till solen” (1935)
- Här har du ditt liv (1935)
- “Ja visst gör det ont” (1935)
- “Pusti menja, otdaj menja, Voronež” (1935)
- “Shadows in Zamboula” (1935)
- “The Last Hieroglyph” (1935)
- “The Quest of Iranon” (1935)
- At the Mountains of Madness (1936)
- “In the Walls of Eryx” (1936)
- Se dig inte om (1936)
- “Shooting an Elephant” (1936)
- “The Approach to Al-Mu’tasim” (1936)
- “The Haunter of the Dark” (1936)
- “The Hyborian Age” (1936)
- The Shadow out of Time (1936)
- “The Shadow over Innsmouth” (1936)
- “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber” (1936)
- The Ultimate Weapon (1936)
- “The Writing of the God” (1936)
- War with the Newts (1936)
- “By the Waters of Babylon” (1937)
- Slutspel i ungdomen (1937)
- The Hobbit (1937)
- Action Comics (1938, contains 3)
- Anthem (1938/1946)
- Out of the Silent Planet (1938)
- “Pithecanthropus Rejectus” (1938)
- Who Goes There? (1938)
- “Fragen eines lesenden Arbeiters” (1939)
- Gray Lensman (1939)
- “Mannikins of Horror” (1939)
- “Musée de Beaux Arts” (1939)
- Som jungman på en Ostindienfarare (1939)
- “The Wall” (1939)
- Batman (1940, contains 10)
- Kallocain (1940)
- “Les lilas et les roses” (1940)
- “Pour vivre ici” (1940)
- “The Circular Ruins” (1940)
- “Vivre” (1940)
- “By His Bootstraps” (1941)
- Nightfall (1941)
- “The Coming of the White Worm” (1933/1941/1989)
- “The Garden of Forking Paths” (1941)
- “The Howling Tower” (1941)
- “The Library of Babel” (1941)
- “The Lottery in Babylon” (1941)
- “Yesterday Was Monday” (1941)
- “Funes the Memorious” (1942)
- “Goldfish Bowl” (1942)
- “The Form of the Sword” (1942)
- The Stranger (1942)
- Theory of Literature (1942)
- “The Cold Equations” (1943)
- The Little Prince (1943)
- “The Secret Miracle” (1943)
- Tåbb med manifestet (1943)
- “Hamlets himmelsfärd” (1944)
- “Killdozer” (1944)
- “O binómio de Newton é tão belo como a Vénus de Milo” (1944)
- The Dwarf (1944)
- “The Harmonizer” (1944)
- “Theme of the Traitor and the Hero” (1944)
- Animal Farm (1945)
- “As Subtle as Tomorrow” (1945)
- “Did Life’s Penurious Length” (1945)
- “Her Face Was in a Bed of Hair” (1945)
- “Love Can Do All but Raise the Dead” (1945)
- “The Aleph” (1945)
- “The Waters Chased Him as He Fled” (1945)
- “There Comes an Hour When Begging Stops” (1945)
- “Deutsches Requiem” (1946)
- “Johannes och huldran” (1946)
- “Politics and the English Language” (1946)
- “The Dead Man” (1946)
- “On Fairy-Stories” (1939/1947)
- “The House of Asterion” (1947)
- “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” (1948)
- “The Gangster as Tragic Hero” (1948)
- The Naked and the Dead (1948)
- “To Kill a Child” (1948)
- Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)
- “Story of the Warrior and the Captive” (1949)
- The Emigrants (1949)
- The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949)
- “The Immortal” (1949)
- “The Other Death” (1949)
- The Wooden Horse (1949)
- “Uomo del mio tempo” (1949)
- “Invierno en el sur, a caballo” (1950)
- “La gran alegría” (1950)
- “La muerte” (1950)
- “Scanners Live in Vain” (1950)
- The Martian Chronicles (1950)
- “The Wait” (1950)
- “There Will Come Soft Rains” (1950)
- Between Planets (1951)
- “If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth” (1951)
- “Operation R.S.V.P.” (1951)
- “Regeneration” (1951)
- “Seeds of Jupiter” (1951)
- The Day of the Triffids (1951)
- “The Fall of Rome” (1951)
- “The Foster Portfolio” (1951)
- The Puppet Masters (1951)
- The Sands of Mars (1951)
- The Tunnel (1951)
- Vapnens historia: Vapnens utveckling från antiken till senare delen av 1800-talet (1951)
- “Ibn-Hakam al-Bokhari, Murdered in His Labyrinth” (1952)
- “Martians Never Die” (1952)
- “McIlvaine’s Star” (1952)
- Player Piano (1952)
- “The God in the Bowl” (1952)
- “The Man on the Threshold” (1952)
- “The Moon is Green” (1952)
- “The Shield of Achilles” (1952)
- “The Skull” (1952)
- Childhood’s End (1953)
- “D.P.” (1953)
- Fahrenheit 451 (1953)
- “Operation Lorelei” (1953)
- “Second Variety” (1953)
- “Sjambak” (1953)
- The Crucible (1953)
- The Demolished Man (1953)
- “The Frost-Giant’s Daughter” (1953)
- “The Great Wide World Over There” (1953)
- “The Mathematicians” (1953)
- “The Wall Around the World” (1953)
- “Ekos klang och morgons syn” (1954)
- Lord of the Flies (1954)
- “Navy Day” (1954)
- “Rex Ex Machina” (1954)
- “Schibboleth” (1954)
- “Stenblick” (1954)
- The Caves of Steel (1954)
- The Lord of the Rings (1954)
- The Sound of Waves (1954)
- “Two Plus Two Makes Crazy” (1954)
- “Year of the Big Thaw” (1954)
- “Fame Is a Bee” (1955)
- Japanese Literature: An Introduction for Western Readers (1955)
- “Master Race” (1955)
- “Scrimshaw” (1955)
- “Sometimes With the Heart” (1955)
- The Chrysalids (1955)
- The End of Eternity (1955)
- “The Game of Rat and Dragon” (1955)
- “The Saddest Noise, the Sweetest Noise” (1955)
- “They Talk as Slow as Legends Grow” (1955)
- Tunnel in the Sky (1955)
- “Welchen der Steine du hebst” (1955)
- Aniara (1956)
- “Of Time and Texas” (1956)
- “Postmark Ganymede” (1956)
- The City and the Stars (1956)
- The Door into Summer (1956)
- “The Last Question” (1956)
- The Stars My Destination (1956)
- “The Velvet Glove” (1956)
- “Vital Ingredient” (1956)
- Citizen of the Galaxy (1957)
- De utsatta (1957)
- “Gamlet” (1957)
- “Ins Lesebuch für die Oberstufe” (1957)
- “Moment of Truth” (1957)
- Moominland Midwinter (1957)
- “My Father, the Cat” (1957)
- “No Pets Allowed” (1957)
- “Now We Are Three” (1957)
- “Out of This World Convention” (1957)
- Taoism: The Parting of the Way (1957/1965)
- “The Menace from Earth” (1957)
- “The Reluctant Genius” (1957)
- “The Thought-Fox” (1957)
- Vid diktens port (1957)
- “What’s He Doing in There?” (1957)
- “Crabs on the Island” (1958)
- “Goya” (1958)
- Have Space Suit—Will Travel (1958)
- “The Burning of the Brain” (1958)
- “The Repairman” (1958)
- “The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles” (1958)
- “A Matter of Proportion” (1959)
- “Golden the Ship Was – Oh! Oh! Oh!” (1959)
- “Operation Haystack” (1959)
- “Sommerbericht” (1959)
- Starship Troopers (1959)
- The Sirens of Titan (1959)
- “‘—All You Zombies—’” (1959)
- A Canticle for Leibowitz (1960)
- “Man-Made” (1960)
- “Monkey on His Back” (1960)
- “Pushbutton War” (1960)
- “Satellite System” (1960)
- “Second Landing” (1960)
- “Summit” (1960)
- “The Lady Who Sailed The Soul” (1960)
- “The Perfectionists” (1960)
- “Viewpoint” (1960)
- “A Planet Named Shayol” (1961)
- “Alpha Ralpha Boulevard” (1961)
- Catch-22 (1961)
- Heichū, the Amorous Genius (1961)
- “Mother Hitton’s Littul Kittons” (1961)
- Otomi’s Virginity (1961)
- Solaris (1961)
- Stranger in a Strange Land (1961)
- The Stainless Steel Rat (1961)
- The Story of Yonosuke (1961)
- “To Aunt Rose” (1958/1961)
- A Clockwork Orange (1962)
- A Wrinkle in Time (1962)
- “Early Spring” (1962)
- Följeslagarna (1962)
- “Goodby, Martian!” (1962)
- “I’ll Get Rid of Your Discontent” (1962)
- “Kings in Darkness” (1962)
- “Master of None” (1962)
- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962)
- “Pandemic” (1962)
- Silent Spring (1962)
- “The Ballad of Lost C’mell” (1962)
- The Man in the High Castle (1962)
- “The Next Logical Step” (1962)
- “The Professional Approach” (1962)
- “The Servant Problem” (1962)
- “A Time for Revolution” (1963)
- Cat’s Cradle (1963)
- “I’m Going to Meet My Brother” (1963)
- “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (1963)
- “My Friend Bobby” (1963)
- “Pleasant Journey” (1963)
- The Black Pillar (1963)
- “The Molecular Café” (1963)
- “The Putnam Tradition” (1963)
- “The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea” (1963)
- “The Secret of Homer” (1963)
- The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1963)
- The Words (1963)
- “Wanderers and Travellers” (1963)
- Way Station (1963)
- “The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal” (1964)
- “The Dead Lady of Clown Town” (1964)
- Dune (1965)
- Earliest Civilizations of the Near East (1965)
- Moominpappa at Sea (1965)
- “The Imagination of Disaster” (1965)
- The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1965)
- “Drums of Tombalku” (1966)
- Flowers for Algernon (1966)
- “The Bells of Shoredan” (1966)
- The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (1966)
- “The Sorcerer Pharesm” (1966)
- “Tulip” (1966)
- “Under Old Earth” (1966)
- “Driftglass” (1967)
- Lord of Light (1967)
- Myten om Wu Tao-tzu (1967)
- “The Flower’s Life Is Short” (1967)
- “The Vale of Lost Women” (1967)
- “Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?” (1967)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
- A Concise History of Warfare (1968)
- A Wizard of Earthsea (1968)
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968)
- “Fritz Cremer, Bronze: „Der Aufsteigende“” (1968)
- Medeltid: Närbilder från fyra världsdelar (1968)
- “Riderless Horses” (1968)
- Stand on Zanzibar (1968)
- Dune Messiah (1969)
- Slaughterhouse-Five (1969)
- The Andromeda Strain (1969)
- “The BITCH Manifesto” (1969)
- “The Dead End” (1969)
- “The Electric Ant” (1969)
- The Left Hand of Darkness (1969)
- “The Savage Mouth” (1969)
- “The Snout in the Dark” (1969)
- Ubik (1969)
- “Another Prince of Wales” (1970)
- “Bianca” (1970)
- “Bravo Herr Mozart!” (1970)
- “How the Whip Came Back” (1970)
- Japan: Its History and Culture (1970)
- Ringworld (1970)
- The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre (1970)
- “The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories” (1970)
- “The Road to the Sea” (1970)
- “Autumn Journey” (1971)
- “Girl on Porch with Puppy” (1971)
- “Neighbors” (1971)
- “Tell the Women We’re Going” (1971)
- The Lathe of Heaven (1971)
- The Tombs of Atuan (1971)
- To Your Scattered Bodies Go (1971)
- “Where do the Birds Fly Now?” (1971)
- “‘Collective Reason’: A Proposal” (1971/2000)
- “Against the Lafayette Escadrille” (1972)
- “Artificial Intelligence: A General Survey” (1972)
- “Bad for the Heart” (1972)
- “Defiled” (1972)
- “Jerry and Molly and Sam” (1972)
- Roadside Picnic (1972)
- “Rumours About Me” (1972)
- Svenska folksägner (1972/1977)
- The Drifting Classroom (1972)
- The Farthest Shore (1972)
- “The Fifth Head of Cerberus” (1972 entry)
- The Fifth Head of Cerberus (1972)
- “The Tyranny of Structurelessness” (1972)
- The Word for World Is Forest (1972)
- “V. R. T.” (1972 entry)
- “‘A Story,’ by John V. Marsch” (1972 entry)
- “Archaeology” (1973)
- Bond Men Made Free: Medieval Peasant Movements and the English Rising of 1381 (1973)
- “Commuter Army” (1973)
- Japan Sinks (1973, contains 4)
- “Love Is the Plan the Plan Is Death” (1973)
- “Override” (1973)
- Rendezvous with Rama (1973)
- “The Dabba Dabba Tree” (1973)
- “The Death of Doctor Island” (1973)
- “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” (1973)
- “The Very Edge of Happiness” (1973)
- “They’re Not Your Husband” (1973)
- Time Enough for Love (1973)
- A Song for Lya (1974)
- “Bear’s Wood Main Line” (1974)
- Documentary: A History of the Non-Fiction Film (1974/1983)
- “Farmer Airlines” (1974)
- “Hello, Hello, Hello!” (1974)
- Something Happened (1974)
- “Standing Woman” (1974)
- “The Day Before the Revolution” (1974)
- The Dispossessed (1974)
- The Forever War (1974)
- The Heart of Thomas (1974)
- The Mote in God’s Eye (1974)
- “And Seven Times Never Kill Man” (1975)
- “Cardboard Box” (1975)
- “Collectors” (1975)
- Dhalgren (1975)
- “Don’t Laugh” (1975)
- Modern utländsk lyrik (1975/1985)
- “So Much Water So Close to Home” (1975)
- The Female Man (1975)
- “The Legend of the Paper Spaceship” (1975)
- A Discipline of Programming (1976)
- “Adrenalin” (1976)
- Children of Dune (1976)
- “Hikari” (1976)
- Interview with the Vampire (1976)
- “Nor the Many-Colored Fires of a Star Ring” (1976)
- The Gryb (1976)
- “The Hall of the Dead” (1976)
- “The Hand of Nergal” (1976)
- The Long Tomorrow (1976)
- The Lore of Arms (1976)
- The Selfish Gene (1976)
- “Trashing: The Dark Side of Sisterhood” (1976)
- We Who Are About To... (1976)
- A Scanner Darkly (1977)
- “Ender’s Game” (1977)
- “Fragments of a Hologram Rose” (1977)
- Galaxy Express 999 (1977)
- Gateway (1977)
- Involution Ocean (1977)
- Lord Foul’s Bane (1977)
- Lucifer’s Hammer (1977)
- Manwatching: A Field Guide to Human Behaviour (1977)
- Nature’s Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas (1977/1994)
- “Salmonella Men on Planet Porno” (1977)
- Satsuma Gishiden (1977)
- Sayonara Nippon (1977)
- “The Combahee River Collective Statement” (1977)
- “The Hound of Frankenstein” (1977)
- The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870–1914 (1977)
- The Silmarillion (1950s/1977)
- “Undertow” (1977)
- “Weekend in a War Zone” (1977)
- A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century (1978)
- “How to Build a Universe That Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later” (1978)
- “If Men Could Menstruate” (1978)
- The C Programming Language (1978)
- “The Creator” (1978)
- The Japanese: A Cultural Portrait (1978)
- The World According to Garp (1978)
- “A Hero at the Gates” (1979)
- “A-shou satsujin jiken” (1979)
- “East of the Sun, West of the Moon” (1979)
- “From Idea to Film” (1979)
- Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid (1979)
- “Nostalgia for a Lost World” (1979)
- “Seija ga machi ni yattekuru” (1979)
- Svensk spelfilm under andra världskriget (1979)
- “The Dead Line” (1979)
- The Gnostic Gospels (1979)
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1979)
- The Right Stuff (1979)
- A Confederacy of Dunces (1980)
- A People’s History of the United States (1980)
- “A Proposal to Acquire Film Rights” (1980)
- Domu: A Child’s Dream (1980)
- “Lupin Was Truly a Creature of His Era” (1980)
- Nemesis the Warlock (1980)
- “Princess Mononoke: The First Story” (1980)
- “Suzanne Delage” (1980)
- The Incal (1980)
- The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (1980)
- The Shadow of the Torturer (1980)
- “Thoughts on Fleischer” (1980)
- “A Small, Good Thing” (1981)
- Cujo (1981)
- Evil (1981)
- God Emperor of Dune (1981)
- “Hinterlands” (1981)
- “Johnny Mnemonic” (1981)
- “My Scrapbook” (1981)
- Nightflyers (1981)
- “Reiko’s Universe Box” (1981)
- “The Belonging Kind” (1981)
- The Claw of the Conciliator (1981)
- “The Gernsback Continuum” (1981)
- “Thoughts on Fantastic Planet” (1981)
- Valis (1981)
- “A Non-Euclidean View of California as a Cold Place to Be” (1982)
- “A Woman Finish Inspector” (1982)
- “A ‘Slanderous’ Portrait” (1982)
- Akira (1982)
- “Burning Chrome” (1982)
- Europe and the People Without History (1982)
- Helliconia Spring (1982)
- Life, the Universe and Everything (1982)
- “My Point of Origin” (1982)
- Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1982)
- “On Nausicaä” (1982)
- “On Animation and Cartoon Movies” (1982)
- “Panda in Process” (1982/1994)
- “Spider Rose” (1982)
- Swamp Thing (1982)
- “Swarm” (1982)
- The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy (1982)
- The Sword of the Lictor (1982)
- V for Vendetta (1982)
- “A Film That Can Be Enjoyed by People Who Have Never Read the Original Story” (1983)
- “Cicada Queen” (1983)
- “Having Seen Machi and Purezento” (1983)
- Helliconia Summer (1983)
- Jerusalems natt (1983)
- “Recitatif” (1983)
- “Red Star, Winter Orbit” (1983)
- “Speaking of Conan” (1983)
- The Book of Lost Tales: Part One (1983)
- The Citadel of the Autarch (1983)
- The Colour of Magic (1983)
- The Japanese Mind (1983)
- The Journey of Shuna (1983)
- “Angel Mimic” (1984)
- “Hanshin: Half-God” (1984)
- “Hayao Miyazaki on His Own Works” (1984)
- “Morning Child” (1984)
- “Nets of Silver and Gold” (1984)
- Neuromancer (1984)
- “New Rose Hotel” (1984)
- “Original Proposal for Castle in the Sky” (1984)
- So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (1984)
- “Sunken Gardens” (1984)
- The Ballad of Halo Jones (1984)
- The Book of Lost Tales: Part Two (1984)
- “The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule” (1984)
- “Twenty Evocations” (1984)
- “Vitamins” (1984)
- Yukikaze (1984/2002)
- A Cyborg Manifesto (1985)
- “A Drunken Dream” (1985)
- “About Period Dramas” (1985)
- Always Coming Home (1985)
- Appleseed (1985)
- Black Magic (1985)
- Contact (1985)
- “Dogfight” (1985)
- Ender’s Game (1985/1991)
- Eon (1985)
- “Girl” (1985)
- Helliconia Winter (1985)
- Kiki’s Delivery Service (1985)
- “Marié, Ten Years Later” (1985)
- “Paladin of the Lost Hour” (1985)
- Schismatrix (1985)
- The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (1985)
- “The Citroen 2CV Is the Descendant of French Aircraft of the 1930s” (1985)
- The Handmaid’s Tale (1985)
- The Postman (1985)
- “The Second Bakery Attack” (1985)
- The Tenth Man (1985)
- “Using a Bucket to Pour Water on a Flood” (1985)
- Yeager: An Autobiography (1985)
- Count Zero (1986)
- Dominion Tank Police (1986)
- Howl’s Moving Castle (1986)
- “I Want a Garden Like This” (1986)
- “Operation of the Laws of Sympathetic Magic in Disgust and Other Domains” (1986)
- “Personally, I Think There Is a Continuity from Nausicaä” (1986)
- “Project Plan for My Neighbor Totoro” (1986)
- Recent Theories of Narrative (1986)
- Red Storm Rising (1986)
- Speaker for the Dead (1986)
- “The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction” (1986)
- The Dark Knight Returns (1986)
- The Light Fantastic (1986)
- The Songs of Distant Earth (1986)
- “The Winter Market” (1986)
- Watchmen (1986)
- “My Neighbor Totoro — Directorial Memo: Characters” (1987)
- “A Greeting of Solidarity — Afterword” (1987)
- “A New Life” (1987)
- Equal Rites (1987)
- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (1987)
- Mort (1987)
- “On the Periphery of the Work” (1987)
- Sphere (1987)
- “The Last Smoker” (1987)
- The New York Trilogy (1987)
- The Urth of the New Sun (1987)
- “Kiki — The Spirit and the Hopes of Contemporary Girls” (1988)
- “Totoro Was Not Made as a Nostalgia Piece” (1988)
- Alien III (1988)
- Aliens (1988)
- Aliens: Outbreak (1988 entry)
- “Having Seen The Man Who Planted Trees” (1988)
- “My Car” (1988)
- Sourcery (1988)
- The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul (1988)
- There Are Doors (1988)
- “Thoughts on Japanese Animation” (1988)
- Wyrd Sisters (1988)
- “About Futaki-san” (1989)
- Aliens: Nightmare Asylum (1989 entry)
- Berserk (1989, contains 3)
- From Hell (1989)
- Guards! Guards! (1989)
- Hyperion (1989)
- “I Parted Ways with Osamu Tezuka When I Saw the ‘Hand of God’ in Him” (1989)
- “I Wanted to Show the Various Faces of One Person in This Film” (1989)
- “King Yvorian’s Wager” (1989)
- “Lemonade” (1989)
- Mona Lisa Overdrive (1989)
- Pyramids (1989)
- Qltur som problem (1989)
- “The Edge of the World” (1989)
- The End of Nature (1989)
- The Ghost in the Shell (1989)
- “The World Is Tilting” (1989)
- Truckers (1989)
- “Vermeer” (1989)
- “What the Scenario Means to Me” (1989)
- Aliens: Earth War (1990 entry)
- “Deathwing” (1990)
- “Descendant of a Giant Sloth” (1990)
- “Devil’s Marauders” (1990)
- Diggers (1990)
- Eric (1990)
- Forbidden City (1990)
- Hakkorset och Wasakärven (1990)
- Handbok i civil olydnad (1990)
- Japansk språklära (1990)
- “Lacrymata” (1990)
- Litteraturens historia i världen (1990)
- “Monastery of Death” (1990)
- Moving Pictures (1990)
- “My Teacher and I” (1990)
- “Searching for One’s Own Starting Point: A Proposal for Dai Tokyo Monogatari (A Story of Greater Tokyo)” (1990)
- “Seed of Doubt” (1990)
- Tehanu (1990)
- “The Alien Beast Within” (1990)
- The Difference Engine (1990)
- The Eye of the World (1990)
- The Great Hunt (1990)
- “Tower of Babylon” (1990)
- “Warped Stars” (1990)
- Wings (1990)
- “Bokkō (A Battle of Wits; Mo gong, Chinese) Memo: As an Animated Film” (1991)
- “A Green History of the World: The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations” (1991/2007)
- “A Nation That Merely Dithers Around” (1991)
- “Academy Leader” (1991)
- “All I Want is to Maintain a Workplace to Create Good Movies” (1991)
- Antik ekonomi: Tematiska studier av den antika ekonomins karaktär och utvecklingsmöjligheter (1991)
- Bone (1991)
- Den orörliga lågan: Analyser av femton 1900-talsdikter (1991)
- “Division by Zero” (1991)
- “Last Call for the Sons of Shock” (1991)
- “On the Need to Create an Easy-to-Use Studio” (1991)
- Reaper Man (1991)
- “The Porco Rosso Memos: Directorial Memoranda” (1991)
- The Dragon Reborn (1991)
- The Sum of All Fears (1991)
- The Third Chimpanzee (1991)
- “They’re Made Out of Meat” (1991)
- “Understand” (1991)
- Witches Abroad (1991)
- Xenocide (1991)
- “An Interview Just Prior to the Release of Porco Rosso” (1992)
- Exterminate All the Brutes (1992)
- Genvägar (1992 entry)
- “I Left Raising Our Children to My Wife” (1992)
- “Iguana Girl” (1992)
- Lords and Ladies (1992)
- Mostly Harmless (1992)
- Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland (1992)
- “Pithy Comments” (1992)
- Popular Culture Genres: Theories and Texts (1992)
- Red Mars (1992)
- Small Gods (1992)
- Snow Crash (1992)
- “Sometimes We Need Stories About the Old Days” (1992)
- The Metabarons (1992)
- The Production of Culture: Media and the Urban Arts (1992)
- The Shadow Rising (1992)
- “The Sound of the Winds of These Times” (1992)
- “The Tokyo I Love” (1992)
- “The Type of Film I’d Like to Create” (1992)
- “Troll Bridge” (1992)
- What Uncle Sam Really Wants (1992)
- D-Day: From the Normandy Beaches to the Liberation of France (1993)
- Jules Verne-magasinet (1993)
- Kretslopp (1993 entry)
- “Lady of the Skulls” (1993)
- Men at Arms (1993)
- The Fires of Heaven (1993)
- “The Power of the Single Shot” (1993)
- The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many (1993)
- Understanding Comics (1993)
- Virtual Light (1993)
- “Why Shōjo Manga Now?” (1993)
- “Panda! Go Panda! Creator’s Message” (1994)
- “A Complete Woman” (1994)
- “Better Dead” (1994)
- “Chandira” (1994)
- “Completist Heaven” (1994)
- “Creature Comforts” (1994)
- “Dining in Midair” (1994)
- “Earth’s Environment as Metaphor” (1994)
- “El Sueño de la Razón” (1994)
- “Frankenstein” (1994)
- Grannskapsnatur (1994 entry)
- Interesting Times (1994)
- “Last Train” (1994)
- Lord of Chaos (1994)
- “Mother of Invention” (1994)
- “My Theories on the Popularity of Manga” (1994)
- “On Completing Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind” (1994)
- “On the Banks of the Sea of Decay” (1994)
- “Poppi’s Monster” (1994)
- Soul Music (1994)
- “Tantamount to Murder” (1994)
- “The Frankenstein Legacy” (1994)
- The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language (1994)
- “The Pictures Are Already Moving Inside My Head” (1994)
- “The Temptation of Dr Stein” (1994)
- “Things That Live in a Tree” (1994)
- “To Receive Is Better” (1994)
- Wizard’s First Rule (1994)
- Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō (1994)
- “On Your Mark — I Purposely Distorted the Lyrics for This Film” (1995)
- “Princess Mononoke Planning Memo” (1995)
- Det ekonomiska tänkandets historia (1995)
- “My Old Man’s Back” (1995)
- Människa och miljö: Om ekologi, ekonomi och politik (1995)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995)
- Preacher (1995)
- The Art of Star Trek (1995)
- “The Battle Between Humans and Ferocious Gods — The Goal of This Film” (1995)
- The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (1995)
- The Diamond Age (1995)
- “The World of Anime and the Scenario” (1995)
- “There Should Be Commercials Thanking Loyal Customers” (1995)
- “Ur-Fascism” (1995)
- “What Takei Sanseidō Means to Me” (1995)
- When Corporations Rule the World (1995)
- “‘My Random Thoughts Notebook Is My Hobby’” (1995)
- A Crown of Swords (1996)
- A Game of Thrones (1996)
- “A Requiem for Ryōtarō Shiba-san” (1996)
- “About Ryōtarō Shiba-san” (1996)
- “Aliens: Lucky” (1996)
- Angela’s Ashes (1996)
- Children of the Mind (1996)
- Feet of Clay (1996)
- Hogfather (1996)
- Idoru (1996)
- Starting Point: 1979–1996 (1996/2009)
- Stone of Tears (1996)
- The Art of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind: Watercolor Impressions (1996)
- “The Pratchett Portfolio” (1996)
- The Reality Dysfunction (1996)
- “What Is Important for Children” (1996)
- “Wittgenstein in 90 Minutes” (1996)
- “Princess Mononoke and the Attraction of Medieval Times: A Dialogue with Yoshihiko Amino” (1997)
- “A Child’s Five Minutes Can Be Equivalent to a Grown-Up’s Year” (1997)
- “A Romance in Virtual Space” (1997 entry)
- “Audience” (1997)
- Blame (1997)
- Brottningar med begrepp (1997)
- Guns, Germs and Steel (1997)
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997)
- Jingo (1997)
- Moving Pictures: A New Theory of Film Genres, Feelings and Cognition (1997)
- “On Japan’s Animation Culture” (1997)
- The Art of Princess Mononoke (1997)
- “The Elemental Power of the Forest Also Lives Within the Hearts of Human Beings” (1997)
- The God of Small Things (1997)
- “Those Who Live in the Natural World All Have the Same Values” (1997)
- “You Cannot Depict the Wild Without Showing Its Brutality and Cruelty: A Dialogue with Tadao Satō” (1997)
- “300” (1998)
- A Clash of Kings (1998)
- About a Boy (1998)
- After the Campfires (1998)
- “Alluvial Deposits” (1998)
- “Animation Directing Class, Higashi Koganei Sonjuku II School Opening: Urging at Least One Seedling to Sprout” (1998)
- “Animation and Animism: Thoughts on the Living ‘Forest’” (1998)
- “Bödaupproret år 1850” (1998)
- Carpe Jugulum (1998)
- Doing Time (1998)
- “Forty-four Questions on Princess Mononoke for Director Hayao Miyazaki” (1998)
- “I Want to Fill the Space Between Myself and the Audience” (1998)
- “Mirror Girl” (1998 entry)
- “Recalling the Days of My Youth” (1998)
- “Sacrifices of the Sky” (1998)
- Samurai from Outer Space (1998)
- Shadow Star (1998)
- “Story of Your Life” (1998)
- “The Child Who Comes Home” (1998)
- The Dormant Beast (1998)
- The Last Continent (1998)
- The Path of Daggers (1998)
- “The Phantasma of Q—” (1998)
- “The Sky That Saint-Exupéry Flew Through” (1998)
- “To Energize People, Towns and the Land” (1998)
- “Toxic Discourse” (1998)
- “What Grown-ups Can Tell Children So That They Can Live in a Happy Time” (1998)
- “All Quiet on the Western Front”: The Story of a Film (1998)
- All Tomorrow’s Parties (1999)
- “Chihiro, from a Mysterious Town — The Goal of this Film” (1999)
- Cryptonomicon (1999)
- “Darkrose and Diamond” (1999)
- Metodboken — Bibel 2000 (1999)
- Naturskyddsföreningen – 90 år ung (1999 entry)
- No Logo (1999)
- “Pixel Pixies” (1999)
- Planetes (1999)
- “Pocketful of Dharma” (1999)
- Stardust (1999)
- The Anime Companion (1999)
- The Fifth Elephant (1999)
- “The Hofzinser Club” (1999)
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (1999)
- “Traditional Japanese Aestheticism in Princess Mononoke: An Interview by Roger Ebert” (1999)
- A Storm of Swords (2000)
- Adult Manga: Culture and Power in Contemporary Japanese Society (2000)
- “Chefens chaufför” (2000)
- “Den vita flamman” (2000)
- “Det snöar” (2000)
- “En längtansfull dröm” (2000)
- “En skönhetskänsla” (2000)
- “Från läppar till fjärilar” (2000)
- “Fängslad” (2000)
- “Få’ru nå’ra skjut då?” (2000)
- “Icke brännbara sopor” (2000)
- “Kamouflage” (2000)
- “Kattens hjälpande hand” (2000)
- “Långt hår” (2000)
- “Mellan ebb och flod” (2000)
- No pasarán! (2000)
- “Notes for the Spirited Away Image Album” (2000)
- “Palmen och ödlan” (2000)
- “Partiet” (2000)
- Perdido Street Station (2000)
- Populärmusik från Vittula (2000)
- Resenärer i bilsamhället (2000)
- Revelation Space (2000)
- “Seventy-Two Letters” (2000)
- “Soldater i gränslandet” (2000)
- Something New Under the Sun: An Environmental History of the Twentieth-Century World (2000)
- Stora döden – Den värsta katastrof som drabbat Europa (2000)
- Svart eld (2000)
- “The Evolution of Human Science” (2000)
- “The Flyers of Gy” (2000)
- The Truth (2000)
- “Tjugo år” (2000)
- Tusen flickor om film och våld (2000)
- “Vem som helst duger” (2000)
- “Vänner” (2000)
- “Wasabi-tjuvarna” (2000)
- Winter’s Heart (2000)
- “Words of Farewell” (2000)
- “Äkta makar” (2000)
- American Gods (2001)
- Anime from Akira to Princess Mononoke: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation (2001/2005)
- “As I See It” (2001)
- Chasm City (2001)
- “Dragonfly” (2001)
- Fullmetal Alchemist (2001)
- “Good Night, Bach Ma, Good-Bye” (2001)
- “Hell Is the Absence of God” (2001)
- Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America (2001)
- “Night and Water” (2001)
- “On the High Marsh” (2001)
- “Once More, from the Top” (2001)
- “Pestilence” (2001)
- “Room to Be Free: Speaking About Spirited Away at the Press Conference Held Upon Completion of the Film” (2001)
- “Russian Dolls” (2001)
- Strange Weather in Tokyo (2001)
- “Suffer Not the Unclean to Live” (2001)
- “Suicide Watch” (2001)
- The Anime Encyclopedia (2001)
- “The Bones of the Earth” (2001)
- “The Corn King” (2001)
- “The Fast Track” (2001)
- The Finder (2001)
- “The Heart That Accepts a ‘Lonely Man’” (2001)
- “The Sunlight on the Water” (2001)
- Thief of Time (2001)
- “Unforgiven” (2001)
- “‘Don’t Worry, You’ll Be All Right’: What I’d Like to Convey to Children” (2001)
- Altered Carbon (2002)
- Anime Explosion: The What, Why and Wow of Japanese Animation (2002)
- Attitudes and Attitude Change (2002)
- Black Crab (2002)
- “Children Have a Future That Transcends ‘Imagination’” (2002)
- “It’s a Tough Era, But It May Be the Most Interesting of All: A Conversation with Tetsuya Chikushi” (2002)
- Lasermannen (2002)
- “Liking What You See: A Documentary” (2002)
- Lojban for Beginners (2002)
- “Mogera Wogera” (2002)
- “Nothing Makes Me Happier Than Watching Children Enjoy Themselves” (2002)
- “On the Film Dark Blue World: A Dialogue with Producer Toshio Suzuki” (2002)
- “Once Again, a World Where People Believe Everything Is Alive: A Dialogue with Tetsuo Yamaori” (2002)
- Snow (2002)
- “So, Where Do We Go From Here?” (2002)
- Spermaharen (2002)
- The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (2002)
- The Filth (2002)
- “The Lights of Zenshōen” (2002)
- The Notenki Memoirs (2002)
- “This Is the Kind of Museum I Want to Make” (2002)
- “We Should Each Start Doing What We Can” (2002)
- “A Study in Emerald” (2003)
- Crossroads of Twilight (2003)
- Japan: Personligt (2003)
- Jennifer Government (2003)
- Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (2003)
- Parecon: Life After Capitalism (2003)
- Pattern Recognition (2003)
- “Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition” (2003)
- Singularity Sky (2003)
- “The Fluted Girl” (2003)
- “The Universe on My Hands” (2003 entry)
- “The Winds of Harmattan” (2003)
- America (The Book): A Citizen’s Guide to Democracy Inaction (2004)
- “Black Hole Diver” (2004 entry)
- Blame Academy (2004)
- Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology (2004)
- Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World (2004)
- Kawaii (2004)
- Monster Island (2004)
- New Spring (2004)
- “Proposal for an Original Animated Short Titled ‘Mon Mon the Water Spider,’ for the Saturn Theater in the Ghibli Museum, Mitaka” (2004)
- “Proposal for ‘House Hunting’” (2004)
- “Proposal for ‘The Day I Bought a Star’” (2004)
- Scott Pilgrim (2004)
- Svavelvinter (2004)
- “The Fujimi Highland Is Fascinating” (2002/2004)
- The Manga Guide Series (2004, contains 10)
- The Manga Guide to Databases (2004 entry)
- The Manga Guide to Statistics (2004 entry)
- “The Pasho” (2004)
- “The People of Sand and Slag” (2004)
- “Two Pages Are Fine. Just Draw Them!” (2004)
- Vikingarnas stridskonst (2004)
- Wicked Cool Shell Scripts (2004)
- why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby (2004)
- A Feast for Crows (2005)
- “A World Where Justice Is Just” (2005 entry)
- Accelerando (2005)
- “An Attempt at a Short Film: Remarks on Accepting the Japan Foundation Award for 2005” (2005)
- Anansi Boys (2005)
- Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (2005)
- Freakonomics (2005)
- Hanteringen av odöda (2005)
- “I’ve Always Wanted to Create a Film About Which I Could Say, ‘I’m Just Glad I Was Born, so I Could Make This’” (2005)
- Knife of Dreams (2005)
- Little Boy: The Arts of Japan’s Exploding Subculture (2005)
- Old Man’s War (2005)
- Pushing Ice (2005)
- “Remark to the Staff of the Ghibli Museum at the Screening of ‘Mon Mon the Water Spider,’ ‘The Day I Bought a Star,’ and ‘House Hunting’” (2005)
- “Robert Westall’s Blackham’s Wimpey: Proposal for a Book with a Supplementary Guide of Random Thoughts” (2005)
- The Anime Companion 2 (2005)
- “The Calorie Man” (2005)
- “The Magnificent Forty-Niners” (2005)
- The Manga Guide to Calculus (2005 entry)
- “The Moto Hagio Interview” (2005)
- “The Question Is Whether You Really Find It Interesting or Not” (2005)
- “What’s Expected of Us” (2005)
- “What’s Important for the Spirit: Text of a Speech to Be Given on the Occasion of Receiving the Japan Foundation Award for 2005” (2005)
- “A Man Who Lived Bravely, Confronting a Tough Reality” (2006)
- “AI’s Story” (2006 entry)
- Blindsight (2006)
- “Feeling Responsible for the Future of Children and Not Wanting to Make Halfhearted Films” (2006)
- Horus Rising (2006)
- Hundra procent fett (2006)
- “Memories of Lost Landscapes: On Genzaburō Yoshino’s Kimitachi wa Dō Ikiruka” (2006)
- “On Ponyo” (2006)
- “Pop Squad” (2006)
- “Republica and Grau” (2006)
- Rice Boy (2006)
- Snabba cash (2006)
- “The Day Shion Came” (2006 entry)
- The Manga Guide to Electricity (2006 entry)
- The Manga Guide to Physics (2006 entry)
- The Road (2006)
- The Stories of Ibis (2006)
- “The Tamarisk Hunter” (2006)
- “Welcome to the Ghibli Forest Short Film ‘House Hunting’” (2006)
- “Welcome to the Ghibli Forest Short Film ‘Mon Mon the Water Spider’” (2006)
- “Welcome to the Ghibli Forest Short Film ‘The Day I Bought a Star’” (2006)
- World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War (2006)
- “Worlds of Insects, Trees and Humans: A Dialogue with Takeshi Yōrō” (2006)
- “Yellow Card Man” (2006)
- “Snezhnaya Koroleva (The Snow Queen): A Film That Made Me Think Animation Was Worthy Work” (2007)
- “From the Anthill: An Introduction” (2006/2007)
- “House of Three Bears” (2007)
- “Memo on Music for Joe Hisaishi” (2007)
- Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet (2007)
- “Small Offerings” (2007)
- “Softer” (2007)
- Spook Country (2007)
- The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate (2007)
- The Overflowing Brain (2007)
- The Stuff of Thought: Language As a Window Into Human Nature (2007)
- “The Willow Tree” (2007)
- The World Without Us (2007)
- The Zen of Zombie (2007)
- “Tideline” (2007)
- “Words of Farewell” (2007)
- Einsteins fru (2008)
- “Exhalation” (2008)
- Hokusai & Hiroshige: On a Journey to Edo (2008)
- Order of Tales (2008)
- “Pump Six” (2008)
- “Staying Awake: Notes on the Alleged Decline of Reading” (2008)
- The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra (2008 entry)
- The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology (2008 entry)
- The Manga Guide to the Universe (2008 entry)
- Turning Point: 1997–2008 (2008/2014)
- “Plague Gods” (2009/2019)
- Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell (2009)
- The Art of Flying (2009)
- The Ecotechnic Future: Envisioning a Post-Peak World (2009)
- The Gathering Storm (2009)
- The Manga Guide to Biochemistry (2009 entry)
- The Manga Guide to Relativity (2009 entry)
- “The Tethered Isle” (2009)
- “The Water Museum” (2009)
- “Waiting in Surya” (2009)
- “Mister Hadj’s Sunset Ride” (2010)
- Python 3 Object Oriented Programming (2010)
- “The Jewel of Brambool” (2010)
- The Lifecycle of Software Objects (2010)
- “The Tusks of Wusterim” (2010)
- Towers of Midnight (2010)
- Unsounded (2010)
- Vattu: The Name & the Mark (2010/2013)
- Zero History (2010)
- Zoo City (2010)
- A Dance with Dragons (2011)
- Among Others (2011)
- “Black Betty” (2011)
- Dive Into Python 3 (2011)
- Mask of the Other (2011)
- “Settling Down” (2011)
- “Staying Behind” (2011)
- The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow (2011)
- “The Paper Menagerie” (2011)
- Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011)
- Through a Glass, Darkly (2011)
- “Cricket” (2012)
- Measurement (2012)
- “Miracle” (2012)
- “Mono no Aware” (2012/2013)
- My Friend Dahmer (2012)
- Pirate Cinema (2012)
- Shades of Grey (2012)
- Smålands mörker (2012)
- “The Segment” (2012)
- “Valedictorian” (2012)
- A Memory of Light (2013)
- A Tale for the Time Being (2013)
- “Afterlife” (2013)
- “Artifacts” (2013)
- Flygande start: Att tänka som en fotograf (2013)
- Kill Six Billion Demons (2013)
- PLOX (2013)
- “The Best We Can” (2013)
- “Childfinder” (2014)
- “Free Jim’s Mine” (2014)
- Kvinnor ritar bara serier om mens (2014)
- “Playing Nice with God’s Bowling Ball” (2014)
- “Shaking Hands with Death” (2014)
- “The Council on Foreign Relations and the Grand Area: Case Studies on the Origins of the IMF and the Vietnam War” (2014)
- The Peripheral (2014)
- “Accelerated Modern Human-induced Species Losses: Entering the Sixth Mass Extinction” (2015)
- “Actionable Agile Tools” (2015)
- Clojure for the Brave and True (2015)
- Doing Math with Python (2015)
- “Milagroso” (2015)
- Religion: Ruining Everything Since 4004 B.C. (2015)
- The GNU Make Book (2015)
- “The Holy Bible: Abridged Beyond the Point of Usefulness” (2015)
- The Internet Revolution: From Dot-com Capitalism to Cybernetic Communism (2015)
- “The Quiet World” (2015)
- “Xenofeminism: A Politics for Alienation” (2015)
- Äventyrsspel: bland mutanter, drakar och demoner (2015)
- Archangel (2016)
- “As Worlds Collide” (2016)
- Convenience Store Woman (2016)
- Framtiden: En illustrerad guide (2016)
- “Higher-order Truths About Chmess” (2016)
- Norse Mythology (2016)
- “Small Medicine” (2016)
- The Daily Show (The Book): An Oral History (2016)
- The Illegalists (2016)
- “The Placement of Lucian’s Novel True History in the Genre of Science Fiction” (2016)
- “The Things My Mother Left Me” (2016)
- Vattu: The Sword & the Sacrament (2016)
- Wage Slaves (2016)
- Nedzus lyktor (2017)
- Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert’s Story (2017)
- “Science: Abridged Beyond the Point of Usefulness” (2017)
- “The Regression Test” (2017)
- “Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience” (2017)
- 24 Panels (2018)
- “Cuisine des Mémoires” (2018)
- Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress (2018)
- Factfulness (2018)
- “Fyrewall” (2018)
- Laws & Sausages (2018)
- “Mother of Invention” (2018)
- Performance: A Red Markets Novel (2018)
- “SPAM” (2018)
- “Shakespeare’s Sonnets: Abridged Beyond the Point of Usefulness” (2018)
- “The Ones Who Stay and Fight” (2018)
- Vattu: The Tower & the Shadow (2018)
- Alien 3: The Unproduced Screenplay (2019)
- Bin och människor: Om bin och biskötare i religion, revolution och evolution samt många andra bisaker (2019)
- Castle of Blood (2019)
- “Dune Song” (2019)
- Faith and the Flesh (2019 entry)
- Masque of the Red Death (2019)
- “Perdition’s Flame” (2019)
- The Beast in the Trenches (2019 entry)
- The Big Country (2019)
- “The Galactic Tourist Industrial Complex” (2019)
- The House of Night and Chain (2019)
- “The Monster and the Child” (2019)
- The Wicked and the Damned (2019)
- The Woman in the Walls (2019 entry)
- “Toward Happy Civilization” (2019)
- “Wanderer” (2019)
- “What Must Remain” (2019)
- “Brain Expansion in Early Hominins Predicts Carnivore Extinctions in East Africa” (2020)
- “Cheaters, Liars or Both? A New Classification of Dishonesty Profiles” (2020)
- “Dark Spaces on the Map” (2020)
- “Drones to Ploughshares” (2020)
- En klump i magen (2020)
- “Helicopter Story” (2020)
- “Low Energy Economy” (2020)
- “Room for Rent” (2020)
- “The Past and Future Human Impact on Mammalian Diversity” (2020)
- “The Thinker” (2011/2020)
- “Towards A New Posthuman Ontology – The Anti-Anthropocentrism of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence” (2020)
- “Words We Say Instead” (2020)
- “Your Rover Is Here” (2020)
- Consequences of Capitalism: Manufactoring Discontent and Resistance (2021)
- “Lena” (2021)
- Vänligheten (2021)
- “Down in the Dim Kingdoms” (2022)
- “Lady of the Yellow-Painted Library” (2022)
- “The Destination Star” (2022)
- Vattu: The Last Book (2022)
- Boys Weekend (2023)
- Means and Ends: The Revolutionary Practice of Anarchism in Europe and the United States (2023)
- “Game Changer: Exploring the Role of Board Games in the Lives of Autistic People” (2024)
- “The Illusion of Information Adequacy” (2024)
- Totalt övervakad (2024)
The following make direct references to the text tag.
- “Nonsequential art” tag description
- Reviews on this site