A tag for organizing content
The term “documentary” was supposedly coined by John Grierson in a review of Flaherty's Moana (1926). As a driving force within the British Empire Marketing Board, Grierson oversaw the establishment of the documentary as a genre. The term “non-fiction” is used here to include documentary film.
- The Art of War (ca. 450 BCE)
- The Histories (440 BCE)
- Anabasis (ca. 400 BCE)
- Dao De Jing (ca. 400 BCE)
- Poetics (ca. 355 BCE)
- Proverbs (ca. 500–200 BCE entry)
- “On Anger” (ca. 45 CE)
- “On the Shortness of Life” (ca. 49 CE)
- “Galatians” (ca. 55 CE entry)
- “Philemon” (ca. 54–55 CE entry)
- “Philippians” (ca. 54–55 CE entry)
- 1 Corinthians (ca. 56 CE entry)
- 2 Corinthians (ca. 56–57 CE entry)
- “On Clemency” (ca. 55–56 CE)
- Romans (ca. 57 CE entry)
- “On the Happy Life” (ca. 58 CE)
- “On Peace of Mind” (ca. 60 CE)
- “On Leisure” (ca. 62 CE)
- “On Providence” (ca. 64)
- The Prince (1513/1532)
- Essays (1580)
- Leviathan (1651)
- The Life of Jesus, Critically Examined (1835/1840)
- “A Predicament” (1838 entry)
- The Ego and Its Own (1844)
- “The Communist Manifesto” (1848)
- Walden (1854)
- On the Origin of Species (1859)
- Capital: A Critique of Political Economy (1867/1887)
- “Useful Work versus Useless Toil” (1884)
- On the Genealogy of Morality: A Polemic (1887)
- “Roundhay Garden Scene” (1888)
- “Traffic Crossing Leeds Bridge” (1888)
- The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (1890)
- “Dickson Greeting” (1891)
- “Blacksmith Scene” (1893)
- “Annie Oakley” (1894)
- “Athlete with Wand” (1894)
- “Bucking Broncho” (1894)
- “Buffalo Dance” (1894)
- “Corbett and Courtney Before the Kinetograph” (1894)
- “Dickson Experimental Sound Film” (1894)
- “Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze” (1894)
- “Falling Cat” (1894)
- “Glenroy Brothers” (1894)
- “Souvenir Strip of the Edison Kinetoscope” (1894)
- “Annabelle Serpentine Dance” (1895)
- “Barque sortant du port” (1895)
- “La charcuterie mécanique” (1895)
- “La sortie des usines Lumière” (1895)
- “Le Débarquement du congrès de photographie à Lyon” (1895)
- “Le repas de bébé” (1895)
- “Le saut à la couverture” (1895)
- “Place des Cordeliers à Lyon” (1895)
- “Promenade des congressistes sur le bord de la Saône” (1895)
- “Carmaux, défournage du coke” (1896)
- “Course en sacs” (1896)
- “Danse serpentine” (1896)
- “Démolition d’un mur” (1896)
- “Feeding the Doves” (1896)
- “L’arrivée d’un train à la Ciotat” (1896)
- “Partie de cartes” (1896)
- 24ème chasseurs alpins: défilé au pas de gymnastique (1897)
- “Bataille de boules de neige” (1897)
- “Enfances” (1897)
- “Falls of Minnehaha” (1897)
- “Fast Mail, Northern Pacific Railroad” (1897)
- “Sutro Baths, No. 1” (1897)
- “Venice” (1897)
- “Hockey Match on the Ice” (1898)
- “Arabian Gun Twirler” (1899)
- “La petite fille et son chat” (1899)
- “Tourists Going Round Yellowstone Park” (1899)
- “Battle of Mafeking” (1900)
- “Bird’s-Eye View of Dock Front, Galveston” (1900)
- “Champs de Mars” (1900)
- “Danses espagnoles” (1900)
- “White Horse Rapids” (1900)
- Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902)
- “New York Subway” (1905)
- “Army Pack Train Bringing Supplies” (1906)
- “Stirner: The Ego and His Own” (1907)
- Life in the Middle Ages (1910)
- Sveriges natur (1910, contains 4)
- My Childhood (1913)
- “New-York” (1913)
- “In Flanders Fields” (1915)
- “The Sinking of the Lusitania” (1918)
- Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages (1922)
- Nanook of the North (1922)
- “A Lost Wood” (1925)
- Moana (1926)
- “Supernatural Horror in Literature” (1927)
- “Twenty Rules for Writing Detective Stories” (1928)
- “Drifters” (1929)
- “Magic in Fantasy and Fiction” (1929)
- Man with a Movie Camera (1929)
- “Rain” (1929)
- “Stories I have Tried to Write” (1929)
- “The Detective Story Decalogue” (1929)
- “Salt for Svanetia” (1930)
- “À propos de Nice” (1930)
- “A Hanging” (1931)
- “Natation par Jean Taris, champion de France” (1931)
- “Land Without Bread” (1933)
- “Det gamla Majorna” (1934)
- “The Song of Ceylon” (1934)
- Triumph of the Will (1935)
- “Kagamijishi” (1936)
- “Night Mail” (1936)
- “Shooting an Elephant” (1936)
- “The Plow That Broke the Plains” (1936)
- Som jungman på en Ostindienfarare (1939)
- “7 Wise Dwarfs” (1941)
- “The Thrifty Pig” (1941)
- “All Together” (1942)
- “Donald’s Decision” (1942)
- “Food Will Win the War” (1942)
- “Four Methods of Flush Riveting” (1942)
- “Out of the Frying Pan Into the Firing Line” (1942)
- “Saludos Amigos” (1942)
- “Stop That Tank!” (1942)
- “The New Spirit” (1942)
- Theory of Literature (1942)
- “Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi” (1943)
- “Reason and Emotion” (1943)
- “The Grain That Built a Hemisphere” (1943)
- “The Spirit of ’43” (1943)
- “The Winged Scourge” (1943)
- Victory Through Air Power (1943)
- “Health for the Americas: Cleanliness Brings Health” (1945)
- “Health for the Americas: The Unseen Enemy” (1945)
- “Defense Against Invasion” (1946)
- “Health for the Americas: Planning for Good Eating” (1946)
- “Politics and the English Language” (1946)
- “The Story of Menstruation” (1946)
- “On Fairy-Stories” (1939/1947)
- “The Gangster as Tragic Hero” (1948)
- Från vinterviste till sommarfjäll (1949)
- “Le sang des bêtes” (1949)
- The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949)
- Self-Preservation in an Atomic Attack (1950)
- Vapnens historia: Vapnens utveckling från antiken till senare delen av 1800-talet (1951)
- Japanese Literature: An Introduction for Western Readers (1955)
- “Night and Fog” (1956)
- The Story of Television (1956)
- “Out of This World Convention” (1957)
- Taoism: The Parting of the Way (1957/1965)
- Letter from Siberia (1958)
- Jazz on a Summer’s Day (1959)
- The Nature of Things (1960, contains 2)
- Chronicle of a Summer (1961)
- “New York Lightboard Record” (1961)
- Silent Spring (1962)
- Le joli mai (1963)
- “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (1963)
- The Words (1963)
- Horizon (1964, contains 7)
- Earliest Civilizations of the Near East (1965)
- The Fall of the Third Reich (1965)
- “The Imagination of Disaster” (1965)
- “The War Game” (1965)
- Tokyo Olympiad (1965)
- Den levande skogen (1966)
- A Man Vanishes (1967)
- Dont Look Back (1967)
- A Concise History of Warfare (1968)
- Den vita sporten (1968)
- Dom kallar oss mods (1968)
- Innocence Unprotected (1968)
- Medeltid: Närbilder från fyra världsdelar (1968)
- The Hour of the Furnaces (1968)
- Medium Cool (1969)
- Salesman (1969)
- “The BITCH Manifesto” (1969)
- “Cosmic Zoom” (1970)
- Elvis: That’s the Way It Is (1970)
- Japan: Its History and Culture (1970)
- The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre (1970)
- Woodstock (1970)
- The Hellstrom Chronicle (1971)
- “‘Collective Reason’: A Proposal” (1971/2000)
- Svenska folksägner (1972/1977)
- “The Tyranny of Structurelessness” (1972)
- “Beyond the Farthest Star” (1973 episode)
- Bond Men Made Free: Medieval Peasant Movements and the English Rising of 1381 (1973)
- F for Fake (1973)
- The World at War (1973)
- “Bem” (1974 episode)
- Bird on a Wire (1974)
- Documentary: A History of the Non-Fiction Film (1974/1983)
- General Idi Amin Dada (1974)
- Nova (1974, contains 16)
- “The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner” (1974)
- “The Making of “Silent Running”” (1974)
- The Society of the Spectacle (1974)
- Modern utländsk lyrik (1975/1985)
- A Discipline of Programming (1976)
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor (1976)
- Harlan County U.S.A. (1976)
- “Kungstorgsockupationen” (1976)
- The Lore of Arms (1976)
- The Selfish Gene (1976)
- “Trashing: The Dark Side of Sisterhood” (1976)
- We Who Are About To... (1976)
- Manwatching: A Field Guide to Human Behaviour (1977)
- Nature’s Economy: A History of Ecological Ideas (1977/1994)
- “Powers of Ten” (1977)
- Pumping Iron (1977)
- “The Combahee River Collective Statement” (1977)
- The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870–1914 (1977)
- Vad som helst – till synes... (1977)
- A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century (1978)
- “How to Build a Universe That Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later” (1978)
- “If Men Could Menstruate” (1978)
- “Pica Don” (1978)
- The C Programming Language (1978)
- The Japanese: A Cultural Portrait (1978)
- “The World About Us: Skateboard Kings” (1978)
- Tältet – Vem tillhör världen? (1978)
- A Respectable Life (1979)
- “From Idea to Film” (1979)
- Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid (1979)
- “Interview” (1979)
- “Nostalgia for a Lost World” (1979)
- Obegriplig och ensam – och stark? (1979)
- Of Seals and Men (1979)
- Richard Pryor: Live in Concert (1979)
- Svensk spelfilm under andra världskriget (1979)
- The Gnostic Gospels (1979)
- The Right Stuff (1979)
- Town Bloody Hall (1979)
- A People’s History of the United States (1980)
- “A Proposal to Acquire Film Rights” (1980)
- Cosmos: A Personal Journey (1980)
- “Lupin Was Truly a Creature of His Era” (1980)
- “Sorting Out Sorting” (1980)
- “Thoughts on Fleischer” (1980)
- God Emperor of Dune (1981)
- “God’s Angry Man” (1981)
- “Thoughts on Fantastic Planet” (1981)
- Too Early, Too Late (1981)
- “A Non-Euclidean View of California as a Cold Place to Be” (1982)
- “A Woman Finish Inspector” (1982)
- “A ‘Slanderous’ Portrait” (1982)
- Barnen från Jordbro (1982)
- Ebba the Movie (1982)
- Göteborg: Porten mot väster (1982)
- Koyaanisqatsi (1982)
- Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl (1982)
- “My Point of Origin” (1982)
- Nature (1982, contains 3)
- “On Nausicaä” (1982)
- “On Animation and Cartoon Movies” (1982)
- “Panda in Process” (1982/1994)
- The Atomic Cafe (1982)
- The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy (1982)
- “A Film That Can Be Enjoyed by People Who Have Never Read the Original Story” (1983)
- Eddie Murphy: Delirious (1983)
- Frontline (1983, contains 10)
- “Having Seen Machi and Purezento” (1983)
- “Speaking of Conan” (1983)
- Style Wars (1983)
- Sunless (1983)
- The Japanese Mind (1983)
- “Hayao Miyazaki on His Own Works” (1984)
- Make It New (1984)
- “Original Proposal for Castle in the Sky” (1984)
- The Times of Harvey Milk (1984)
- A Cyborg Manifesto (1985)
- A.K. (1985)
- “About Period Dramas” (1985)
- “Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti” (1985)
- Shoah (1985)
- “The Citroen 2CV Is the Descendant of French Aircraft of the 1930s” (1985)
- “Using a Bucket to Pour Water on a Flood” (1985)
- Yeager: An Autobiography (1985)
- Leva i Jordbro (1986)
- “Nice Guys Finish First” (1986 entry)
- “Operation of the Laws of Sympathetic Magic in Disgust and Other Domains” (1986)
- “Personally, I Think There Is a Continuity from Nausicaä” (1986)
- “Project Plan for My Neighbor Totoro” (1986)
- Recent Theories of Narrative (1986)
- Star Trek: The Unseen Pilot (1965/1986)
- “The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction” (1986)
- The Wind and the Bomb (1986)
- “My Neighbor Totoro — Directorial Memo: Characters” (1987)
- “A Greeting of Solidarity — Afterword” (1987)
- “On the Periphery of the Work” (1987)
- The Story of Yanagawa’s Canals (1987)
- “Kiki — The Spirit and the Hopes of Contemporary Girls” (1988)
- “Totoro Was Not Made as a Nostalgia Piece” (1988)
- “Cane Toads: An Unnatural History” (1988)
- “Having Seen The Man Who Planted Trees” (1988)
- “Innocence and Garbage” (1988)
- “My Car” (1988)
- Powaqqatsi (1988)
- Sagolandet (1988)
- The Thin Blue Line (1988)
- “Thoughts on Japanese Animation” (1988)
- Tillbaka till Jordbro (1988)
- “About Futaki-san” (1989)
- Bill Hicks: Sane Man (1989)
- För guds skull (1989)
- “I Parted Ways with Osamu Tezuka When I Saw the ‘Hand of God’ in Him” (1989)
- “I Wanted to Show the Various Faces of One Person in This Film” (1989)
- Qltur som problem (1989)
- Roger & Me (1989)
- The End of Nature (1989)
- Underbart är kort – Monica Zetterlund (1989)
- “War Story” (1989)
- “What the Scenario Means to Me” (1989)
- “Bakkojohtin samis – Med tvång flyttades samerna” (1990)
- “Descendant of a Giant Sloth” (1990)
- Hakkorset och Wasakärven (1990)
- Handbok i civil olydnad (1990)
- Japansk språklära (1990)
- Litteraturens historia i världen (1990)
- “My Teacher and I” (1990)
- Old Enough (1990)
- “Petra – den försvunna staden” (1990)
- “Searching for One’s Own Starting Point: A Proposal for Dai Tokyo Monogatari (A Story of Greater Tokyo)” (1990)
- “Bokkō (A Battle of Wits; Mo gong, Chinese) Memo: As an Animated Film” (1991)
- “A Green History of the World: The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations” (1991/2007)
- “A Nation That Merely Dithers Around” (1991)
- “All I Want is to Maintain a Workplace to Create Good Movies” (1991)
- Antik ekonomi: Tematiska studier av den antika ekonomins karaktär och utvecklingsmöjligheter (1991)
- Den orörliga lågan: Analyser av femton 1900-talsdikter (1991)
- “On the Need to Create an Easy-to-Use Studio” (1991)
- Släng dig i brunnen (1991)
- Star Trek 25th Anniversary Special (1991)
- “The Porco Rosso Memos: Directorial Memoranda” (1991)
- The Third Chimpanzee (1991)
- Time Signs (1991)
- Americana (1992)
- “An Interview Just Prior to the Release of Porco Rosso” (1992)
- “Anima Mundi” (1992)
- Baraka (1992)
- Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
- Exterminate All the Brutes (1992)
- Genvägar (1992 entry)
- “I Left Raising Our Children to My Wife” (1992)
- Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1992)
- Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland (1992)
- Pandora’s Box (1992)
- “Pets or Meat: The Return to Flint” (1992)
- “Pithy Comments” (1992)
- Popular Culture Genres: Theories and Texts (1992)
- “Sometimes We Need Stories About the Old Days” (1992)
- The Occult History of the Third Reich (1992)
- The Production of Culture: Media and the Urban Arts (1992)
- “The Sound of the Winds of These Times” (1992)
- “The Tokyo I Love” (1992)
- “The Type of Film I’d Like to Create” (1992)
- What Uncle Sam Really Wants (1992)
- Akira Kurosawa: My Life in Cinema (1993)
- “Attached” (1993 episode)
- D-Day: From the Normandy Beaches to the Liberation of France (1993)
- “Darra Dogs” (1993)
- Kretslopp (1993 entry)
- “The Power of the Single Shot” (1993)
- The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many (1993)
- The War Room (1993)
- Understanding Comics (1993)
- “Why Shōjo Manga Now?” (1993)
- “Panda! Go Panda! Creator’s Message” (1994)
- “Dansen” (1994)
- “Earth’s Environment as Metaphor” (1994)
- En pizza i Jordbro (1994)
- Grannskapsnatur (1994 entry)
- “Manga” (1994)
- “My Theories on the Popularity of Manga” (1994)
- “On Completing Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind” (1994)
- “On the Banks of the Sea of Decay” (1994)
- Otaku (1994)
- “Star Trek: A Captain’s Log” (1994)
- The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language (1994)
- “The Pictures Are Already Moving Inside My Head” (1994)
- “Things That Live in a Tree” (1994)
- Time Team (1994)
- “On Your Mark — I Purposely Distorted the Lyrics for This Film” (1995)
- “Princess Mononoke Planning Memo” (1995)
- A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies (1995)
- Det ekonomiska tänkandets historia (1995)
- Gubben i stugan (1995)
- Lumière et Compagnie (1995)
- “My Old Man’s Back” (1995)
- Människa och miljö: Om ekologi, ekonomi och politik (1995)
- “Soldier’s Dream” (1995)
- “Spin” (1995)
- The Art of Star Trek (1995)
- “The Battle Between Humans and Ferocious Gods — The Goal of This Film” (1995)
- The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (1995)
- The Living Dead: Three Films About the Power of the Past (1995)
- “The World of Anime and the Scenario” (1995)
- “There Should Be Commercials Thanking Loyal Customers” (1995)
- Trinity and Beyond (1995)
- “Ur-Fascism” (1995)
- “What Takei Sanseidō Means to Me” (1995)
- When Corporations Rule the World (1995)
- “‘My Random Thoughts Notebook Is My Hobby’” (1995)
- “A Requiem for Ryōtarō Shiba-san” (1996)
- “About Ryōtarō Shiba-san” (1996)
- Eddie Izzard: Definite Article (1996)
- “Hammer & Sichel” (1996)
- Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond (1996)
- Starting Point: 1979–1996 (1996/2009)
- The Art of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind: Watercolor Impressions (1996)
- The Lumière Brothers’ First Films (1996)
- “What Is Important for Children” (1996)
- Wiedersehen in Hildburghausen (1996)
- “Wittgenstein in 90 Minutes” (1996)
- “Princess Mononoke and the Attraction of Medieval Times: A Dialogue with Yoshihiko Amino” (1997)
- “A Child’s Five Minutes Can Be Equivalent to a Grown-Up’s Year” (1997)
- Brottningar med begrepp (1997)
- Cadillac Desert (1997)
- En frusen dröm (1997)
- Guns, Germs and Steel (1997)
- His Mother’s Voice (1997)
- L’amour en Guerre (1997)
- Moving Pictures: A New Theory of Film Genres, Feelings and Cognition (1997)
- “On Japan’s Animation Culture” (1997)
- The Art of Princess Mononoke (1997)
- The Big One (1997)
- “The Elemental Power of the Forest Also Lives Within the Hearts of Human Beings” (1997)
- “Those Who Live in the Natural World All Have the Same Values” (1997)
- Trekkies (1997)
- “You Cannot Depict the Wild Without Showing Its Brutality and Cruelty: A Dialogue with Tadao Satō” (1997)
- “Animation Directing Class, Higashi Koganei Sonjuku II School Opening: Urging at Least One Seedling to Sprout” (1998)
- “Animation and Animism: Thoughts on the Living ‘Forest’” (1998)
- “Bödaupproret år 1850” (1998)
- Doing Time (1998)
- Festen (1998)
- “Forty-four Questions on Princess Mononoke for Director Hayao Miyazaki” (1998)
- “I Want to Fill the Space Between Myself and the Audience” (1998)
- Kurt & Courtney (1998)
- “Recalling the Days of My Youth” (1998)
- “Sacrifices of the Sky” (1998)
- Samurai from Outer Space (1998)
- “The Otters of Yellowstone” (1998)
- “The Sky That Saint-Exupéry Flew Through” (1998)
- “To Energize People, Towns and the Land” (1998)
- “Toxic Discourse” (1998)
- “What Grown-ups Can Tell Children So That They Can Live in a Happy Time” (1998)
- World: Journey of My Memory (1998)
- “All Quiet on the Western Front”: The Story of a Film (1998)
- “Chihiro, from a Mysterious Town — The Goal of this Film” (1999)
- Geri (1999)
- “If We Had No Moon” (1999)
- Landspeed: CKY (1999)
- Metodboken — Bibel 2000 (1999)
- Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (1999)
- My Best Fiend (1999)
- Naturskyddsföreningen – 90 år ung (1999 entry)
- No Logo (1999)
- Plötsligt i Vinslöv (1999)
- The Anime Companion (1999)
- The Mayfair Set: Four Stories About the Rise of Business and the Decline of Political Power (1999)
- The Seedy Side of Plants (1999)
- “Traditional Japanese Aestheticism in Princess Mononoke: An Interview by Roger Ebert” (1999)
- “92,8 MHz – drömmar i söder” (2000)
- Adult Manga: Culture and Power in Contemporary Japanese Society (2000)
- “Anrop Amazonas” (2000)
- CKY2K (2000)
- Dark Days (2000)
- Jackass (2000)
- No Maps for These Territories (2000)
- “Notes for the Spirited Away Image Album” (2000)
- Resenärer i bilsamhället (2000)
- Rough Science (2000)
- “Röd sol över Nobels oljefält” (2000)
- Something New Under the Sun: An Environmental History of the Twentieth-Century World (2000)
- Stora döden – Den värsta katastrof som drabbat Europa (2000)
- “The Death of a Working Man’s Newspaper” (2000)
- Tusen flickor om film och våld (2000)
- “Vänner” (2000)
- “Words of Farewell” (2000)
- Anime from Akira to Princess Mononoke: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation (2001/2005)
- “CKY 3” (2001)
- Gud välsigne de skånska betfälten (2001)
- Hårdare tag (2001)
- Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America (2001)
- Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working with Time (2001)
- “Room to Be Free: Speaking About Spirited Away at the Press Conference Held Upon Completion of the Film” (2001)
- Scratch (2001)
- (2001)
- The Anime Encyclopedia (2001)
- “The Heart That Accepts a ‘Lonely Man’” (2001)
- “The Merchants of Cool” (2001 entry)
- “‘Don’t Worry, You’ll Be All Right’: What I’d Like to Convey to Children” (2001)
- “‘Topaz’: An Appreciation by Film Critic/Historian Leonard Maltin” (2001)
- 9/11 (2002)
- Anime Explosion: The What, Why and Wow of Japanese Animation (2002)
- Ansel Adams: A Documentary Film (2002)
- Attitudes and Attitude Change (2002)
- Biggie & Tupac (2002)
- Blue Vinyl (2002)
- Bowling for Columbine (2002)
- Bus 174 (2002)
- “Children Have a Future That Transcends ‘Imagination’” (2002)
- Cinemania (2002)
- “It’s a Tough Era, But It May Be the Most Interesting of All: A Conversation with Tetsuya Chikushi” (2002)
- Jackass: The Movie (2002)
- Japanorama (2002)
- Lasermannen (2002)
- Lojban for Beginners (2002)
- Lost in La Mancha (2002)
- Naqoyqatsi (2002)
- “Nothing Makes Me Happier Than Watching Children Enjoy Themselves” (2002)
- “On the Film Dark Blue World: A Dialogue with Producer Toshio Suzuki” (2002)
- “Once Again, a World Where People Believe Everything Is Alive: A Dialogue with Tetsuo Yamaori” (2002)
- “Reflexion 2001” (2002)
- “Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping” (2002)
- “So, Where Do We Go From Here?” (2002)
- The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (2002)
- The Century of the Self (2002)
- “The Lights of Zenshōen” (2002)
- The Notenki Memoirs (2002)
- The Vagina Monologues (2002)
- “This Is the Kind of Museum I Want to Make” (2002)
- “Thoth” (2002)
- “We Should Each Start Doing What We Can” (2002)
- Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer (2003)
- Capturing the Friedmans (2003)
- “Free Trade Is Killing My Mother” (2003)
- Japan: Personligt (2003)
- “Kalahari: The Flooded Desert” (2003)
- Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (2003)
- Noam Chomsky: Rebel Without a Pause (2003)
- Orwell Rolls in His Grave (2003)
- Parecon: Life After Capitalism (2003)
- “Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition” (2003)
- Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus (2003)
- “Surplus: Terrorized Into Being Consumers” (2003)
- Terrorists: The Kids They Sentenced (2003)
- Thank You, Mr. Lasseter (2003)
- The Consolidated Design of the Creating Process for Mini Pato (2003)
- The Corporation (2003)
- The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara (2003)
- “The Lost Ending” (2003)
- The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (2003)
- “The Truth Behind the Moon Landings: Stranger Than Fiction” (2003/2019)
- The Yes Men (2003)
- Tintin and I (2003)
- Wheel of Time (2003)
- America (The Book): A Citizen’s Guide to Democracy Inaction (2004)
- Born into Brothels: Calcutta’s Red-Light Kids (2004)
- Darwin’s Nightmare (2004)
- “Dave Chappelle: For What It’s Worth” (2004)
- Empire of Dreams: The Story of the ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy (2004)
- Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)
- Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology (2004)
- Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World (2004)
- Googlewhack Adventure (2004)
- Howard Zinn: You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train (2004)
- Jag vill leva (2004)
- Kawaii (2004)
- Liberia: An Uncivil War (2004)
- “On a Wednesday Night in Tokyo” (2004)
- One Night in Bhopal (2004)
- Operation Hollywood (2004)
- “Proposal for an Original Animated Short Titled ‘Mon Mon the Water Spider,’ for the Saturn Theater in the Ghibli Museum, Mitaka” (2004)
- “Proposal for ‘House Hunting’” (2004)
- “Proposal for ‘The Day I Bought a Star’” (2004)
- “Prostitution: Behind the Veil” (2004)
- Route 66: An American Bad Dream (2004)
- “Ryan” (2004)
- Super Size Me (2004)
- The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing (2004)
- The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream (2004)
- “The Fujimi Highland Is Fascinating” (2002/2004)
- The Manga Guide Series (2004, contains 10)
- The Manga Guide to Databases (2004 entry)
- The Manga Guide to Statistics (2004 entry)
- The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear (2004)
- Trekkies 2 (2004)
- “Two Pages Are Fine. Just Draw Them!” (2004)
- Vikingarnas stridskonst (2004)
- Wicked Cool Shell Scripts (2004)
- Yasuo Otsuka’s Joy in Motion (2004)
- why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby (2004)
- 165 Hässelby (2005)
- Africa: America’s New Oil Target (2005)
- “An Attempt at a Short Film: Remarks on Accepting the Japan Foundation Award for 2005” (2005)
- “And Thereafter” (2005)
- BBS: The Documentary (2005)
- Class Dismissed: How TV Frames the Working Class (2005)
- Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (2005)
- Coolies: How Britain Re-Invented Slavery (2005)
- Enemy Image (2005)
- “Flight of the Conchords” (2005)
- Freakonomics (2005)
- Gamer Br (2005)
- Gitmo (2005)
- Grizzly Man (2005)
- Guns, Germs, and Steel (2005)
- Hard Candy (2005)
- Hostel (2005)
- Inside Deep Throat (2005)
- I’m Going to Tell You a Secret (2005)
- “I’ve Always Wanted to Create a Film About Which I Could Say, ‘I’m Just Glad I Was Born, so I Could Make This’” (2005)
- Little Boy: The Arts of Japan’s Exploding Subculture (2005)
- “Looking for an Icon” (2005)
- Manga (2005)
- March of the Penguins (2005)
- Max av en ren slump (2005)
- McLibel (2005)
- Our Daily Bread (2005)
- Pride & Prejudice (2005)
- Punk Attitude (2005)
- “Remark to the Staff of the Ghibli Museum at the Screening of ‘Mon Mon the Water Spider,’ ‘The Day I Bought a Star,’ and ‘House Hunting’” (2005)
- “Robert Westall’s Blackham’s Wimpey: Proposal for a Book with a Supplementary Guide of Random Thoughts” (2005)
- Svensk filmindustri: Det stora svenska filmäventyret (2005)
- Terrible Tastes of Great Dictators (2005)
- “The 7/7 Bombers: A Psychological Investigation” (2005 entry)
- The Anime Companion 2 (2005)
- The Aristocrats (2005)
- The End of the World as We Know It (2005)
- The Fall of Fujimori (2005)
- The Girl from Auschwitz (2005)
- The God Who Wasn’t There (2005)
- “The Magnificent Forty-Niners” (2005)
- The Manga Guide to Calculus (2005 entry)
- The Mindscape of Alan Moore (2005)
- “The Moto Hagio Interview” (2005)
- “The Question Is Whether You Really Find It Interesting or Not” (2005)
- “The Story of 1” (2005)
- Unknown White Male (2005)
- “Vicious Beauties: The Secret World of the Jellyfish” (2005)
- “What’s Important for the Spirit: Text of a Speech to Be Given on the Occasion of Receiving the Japan Foundation Award for 2005” (2005)
- Why We Fight (2005)
- “A Man Who Lived Bravely, Confronting a Tough Reality” (2006)
- “Aldrig som första gången” (2006)
- Alla mår bra (2006)
- An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
- Asian Invasion (2006)
- “Blue, Karma, Tiger” (2006)
- Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006)
- Cries and Disturbs the Others (2006)
- Done the Impossible: The Fans’ Tale of ‘Firefly’ and ‘Serenity’ (2006)
- En berättelse från Stormen Gudrun (2006)
- Encounter Point (2006)
- “Feeling Responsible for the Future of Children and Not Wanting to Make Halfhearted Films” (2006)
- “For the Love of Dolly” (2006)
- “Godless in America” (2006)
- Hästmannen (2006)
- In Debt We Trust: America Before the Bubble Bursts (2006)
- Jackass Number Two (2006)
- Japanland: A Year in Search of Wa (2006)
- Jesus Camp (2006)
- Manufactured Landscapes (2006)
- “McLaren’s Negatives” (2006)
- “Memories of Lost Landscapes: On Genzaburō Yoshino’s Kimitachi wa Dō Ikiruka” (2006)
- “Motodrome” (2006)
- “On Ponyo” (2006)
- “Once upon a Time: Walt Disney” (2006)
- Planet Earth (2006)
- Recipe for XXI Century Human (2006)
- Root of All Evil? (2006)
- Stephen Fry: The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive (2006)
- The Great Happiness Space: Tale of an Osaka Love Thief (2006)
- The Manga Guide to Electricity (2006 entry)
- The Manga Guide to Physics (2006 entry)
- The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema (2006)
- The Planet (2006)
- The Road to Guantanamo (2006)
- “The Trouble with Atheism” (2006)
- “The War of the World” (2006)
- This Film Is Not Yet Rated (2006)
- Varma hälsningar, Eric Ericson (2006)
- “Welcome to the Ghibli Forest Short Film ‘House Hunting’” (2006)
- “Welcome to the Ghibli Forest Short Film ‘Mon Mon the Water Spider’” (2006)
- “Welcome to the Ghibli Forest Short Film ‘The Day I Bought a Star’” (2006)
- When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts (2006)
- Who Killed the Electric Car? (2006)
- “Worlds of Insects, Trees and Humans: A Dialogue with Takeshi Yōrō” (2006)
- e² (2006)
- 1968 with Tom Brokaw (2007)
- “Snezhnaya Koroleva (The Snow Queen): A Film That Made Me Think Animation Was Worthy Work” (2007)
- Alla hittar kärlek utom jag (2007)
- “America at a Crossroads: Campus Battleground” (2007)
- “Bill Maher: The Decider” (2007)
- “Bloodsucking Cinema” (2007)
- Brando (2007)
- Chomsky Q&A Sussex University (2007)
- “Court Record: In Memoriam Péter Mansfeld” (2007)
- “Dinner with the President: A Nation’s Journey” (2007)
- Encounters at the End of the World (2007)
- Filmkrönikan special: Fantasy (2007)
- “Friends of God: A Road Trip with Alexandra Pelosi” (2007)
- “From the Anthill: An Introduction” (2006/2007)
- Fyra fruar och en man (2007)
- “Gambling in Las Vegas” (2007)
- “Good Copy Bad Copy” (2007)
- Helbredelsen (2007)
- Helvetica (2007)
- “House of Three Bears” (2007)
- Hur långt är det till närmaste björn? (2007)
- I Edens lustgård (2007)
- “I Met the Walrus” (2007)
- “Interferenze” (2007)
- Iraq’s Guns for Hire (2007)
- Jackass 2.5 (2007)
- Live Earth (2007)
- Lobo: The Wolf That Changed America (2007)
- “Looking for the Revolution” (2007)
- “Magnetic Movie” (2007)
- “Memo on Music for Joe Hisaishi” (2007)
- Moebius Redux: A Life in Pictures (2007)
- Moose on the Loose (2007)
- “Old Peter” (2007)
- “Paris Hilton Inc.: The Selling of Celebrity” (2007)
- Red Without Blue (2007)
- “ We’re Watching You” (2007)
- Sicko (2007)
- Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet (2007)
- Slacker Uprising (2007)
- Stephen Fry: HIV & Me (2007)
- Taxi to the Dark Side (2007)
- “The Beloved Ones” (2007)
- The Devil Came on Horseback (2007)
- “The End of the World Cult” (2007)
- The Enemies of Reason (2007)
- The Great Global Warming Swindle (2007)
- The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)
- “The Most Hated Family in America” (2007)
- The Nuclear Comeback (2007)
- The Overflowing Brain (2007)
- “The Secret Life of Brian” (2007)
- “The Story of Stuff” (2007)
- The Stuff of Thought: Language As a Window Into Human Nature (2007)
- The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom (2007)
- The World Without Us (2007)
- “Under the Knife” (2007)
- Visions of the Future (2007)
- “Words of Farewell” (2007)
- “Yellow Sticky Notes” (2007)
- “You Cannot Hide from Allah” (2007)
- Young Yakuza (2007)
- Zeitgeist (2007)
- 21 Up South Africa: Mandela’s Children (2008)
- “34x25x36” (2008)
- 900 meter under jord (2008)
- “Addicted to Aid” (2008)
- An Extraordinary Study in Human Degradation (2008)
- “Anders and Harri” (2008)
- Anvil: The Story of Anvil (2008)
- Avdragsgilla Karin (2008)
- “Behind Bars” (2008)
- Blackadder Exclusive: The Whole Rotten Saga (2008)
- Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country (2008)
- “Bye bye c’est fini” (2008)
- “Close” (2008)
- Ernst-Hugo (2008)
- “Father” (2008)
- Food Beware: The French Organic Revolution (2008)
- Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson (2008)
- “Growing Up Online” (2008 entry)
- Hockeyhjärtan (2008)
- Hokusai & Hiroshige: On a Journey to Edo (2008)
- I.O.U.S.A. (2008)
- “Jag förstår inte” (2008)
- “Jann of Sweden” (2008)
- Josef Fritzls mörka hemlighet (2008)
- Life After People (2008)
- Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown (2008)
- “Lögner” (2008)
- Maggie vaknar på balkongen (2008)
- Man on Wire (2008)
- “Mari Carmen España: Tystnadens slut” (2008)
- “På spaning efter en prins som flytt” (2008)
- Recipes for Disaster (2008)
- Religulous (2008)
- Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired (2008)
- Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
- “Skinnskatteberg” (2008)
- Skogskyrkogården (2008)
- “Slavar” (2008)
- Standard Operating Procedure (2008)
- “Staying Awake: Notes on the Alleged Decline of Reading” (2008)
- Stephen Fry in America (2008)
- The American Future: A History (2008)
- The Deceiver (2008)
- “The Lobotomist” (2008)
- The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra (2008 entry)
- The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology (2008 entry)
- The Manga Guide to the Universe (2008 entry)
- The Queen and I (2008)
- The Rise and Fall of Anime Fansubs (2008)
- The Tree Lover (2008)
- The World According to Monsanto (2008)
- Turning Point: 1997–2008 (2008/2014)
- “Vi som överlevde Rågsved” (2008)
- Voices from El-Sayed (2008)
- “Wake Up, Freak Out: Then Get a Grip” (2008)
- “Walborgs ungar” (2008)
- Waltz with Bashir (2008)
- “Web Warriors” (2008)
- Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden? (2008)
- Wild China (2008)
- Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)
- Bananas!* (2009)
- Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)
- Cleanflix (2009)
- Ebbe: The Movie (2009)
- Enjoy Poverty (2009)
- “Fiendens ansikte” (2009)
- Filmen jag inte pratar om längre (2009)
- “Fotografen från Riga” (2009)
- Google Baby (2009)
- Jag ville va doms kompis (2009)
- Life (2009)
- “Louis Theroux: The City Addicted to Crystal Meth” (2009)
- Monty Python: Almost the Truth – The Lawyer’s Cut (2009)
- Musashi: The Dream of the Last Samurai (2009)
- Naked Ambition: An R-Rated Look at an X-Rated Industry (2009)
- “Plötsligt igen” (2009)
- Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell (2009)
- Se till mig som vuxen är (2009)
- Stacey Dooley Investigates (2009, contains 1)
- Starsuckers (2009)
- The Age of Stupid (2009)
- The Cove (2009)
- The Ecotechnic Future: Envisioning a Post-Peak World (2009)
- The Game of War (2009)
- The Genius and the Boys (2009)
- The Manga Guide to Biochemistry (2009 entry)
- The Manga Guide to Relativity (2009 entry)
- The Secret (2009)
- The September Issue (2009)
- The Shock Doctrine (2009)
- The Yes Men Fix the World (2009)
- Videocracy (2009)
- Waking Sleeping Beauty (2009)
- Wild Pacific (2009)
- 10 Bullets (2010)
- “Aliens of the Deep Sea” (2010 entry)
- Allentsteig (2010)
- Armadillo (2010)
- Blybarnen (2010)
- Brainwash (2010)
- Catfish (2010)
- “Cuba: The Accidental Eden” (2010)
- “Dot” (2010)
- Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)
- FBI (2010)
- Happy People: A Year in the Taiga (2010)
- How Man Tamed the Wild (2010)
- “I Bought a Rain Forest” (2010)
- “Industrial Light & Magic: Creating the Impossible” (2010)
- Inside Job (2010)
- Into Eternity: A Film for the Future (2010)
- Jackass 3 (2010)
- Life 2.0 (2010)
- “Live on Network 23: The Story of Max Headroom” (2010)
- Marwencol (2010)
- “Micky Bader” (2010)
- Mutant Planet (2010)
- My Kidnapper (2010)
- Python 3 Object Oriented Programming (2010)
- Rubble Kings (2010)
- “Sambuca Kid” (2010)
- Secrets of the Tribe (2010)
- Sons of Perdition (2010)
- Tabloid (2010)
- “Tussilago” (2010)
- Wishful Drinking (2010)
- “America’s Most Dangerous Pets” (2011)
- “America’s Most Hated Family in Crisis” (2011)
- Big Boys Gone Bananas!* (2011)
- Bombay Beach (2011)
- “Bränner staden” (2011)
- Bully (2011)
- Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop (2011)
- Dive Into Python 3 (2011)
- “Faith in the Big House” (2011)
- Farmageddon (2011)
- Five Broken Cameras (2011)
- Girl Model (2011)
- Hot Coffee (2011)
- Human Planet (2011)
- If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front (2011)
- Into the Abyss (2011)
- Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011)
- Kumaré (2011)
- Metal Evolution (2011)
- Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory (2011)
- Project Nim (2011)
- Samsara (2011)
- Sarah Palin: You Betcha! (2011)
- “Spratlys: Dangerous Grounds” (2011)
- Surviving Progress (2011)
- The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (2011)
- The Story of Film: An Odyssey (2011)
- Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011)
- “Triangle: Remembering the Fire” (2011)
- Urbanized (2011)
- Whores’ Glory (2011)
- After Porn Ends (2012)
- Alla är äldre än jag (2012)
- Att filmatisera Shoah (2012)
- Bestiaire (2012)
- Casting By (2012)
- “Coast Modern” (2012)
- “Father” (2012)
- Four Horsemen (2012)
- Future My Love (2012)
- “Första, största kärleken” (2012)
- Generation Earth (2012)
- Hard Times: Lost on Long Island (2012)
- Historieätarna (2012)
- I Am Street Fighter: 25 Years of Inspiration (2012)
- I Stalins skugga (2012)
- In God We Trust? (2012)
- Indie Game: The Movie (2012)
- “Irish Folk Furniture” (2012)
- La beauté animale (2012)
- La sale guerre des terres rares (2012)
- Leviathan (2012)
- London: The Modern Babylon (2012)
- “Louis Theroux: Extreme Love – Autism” (2012)
- “Louis Theroux: Extreme Love – Dementia” (2012)
- Man at War (2012)
- Mansome (2012)
- Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God (2012)
- Measurement (2012)
- Medaljens baksida (2012)
- Meet the Romans with Mary Beard (2012)
- No Burqas Behind Bars (2012)
- Nowhere Home (2012)
- Palme (2012)
- Searching for Sugar Man (2012)
- Shadows of Liberty (2012)
- The Act of Killing (2012)
- The Central Park Five (2012)
- “The New Great Game” (2012)
- The Next Megaquake (2012)
- The Queen of Versailles (2012)
- “The Toilet: An Unspoken History” (2012)
- The Untold History of the United States (2012)
- The Weight of the Nation (2012)
- Till ungdommen (2012)
- “Zapped: The Buzz About Mosquitoes” (2012)
- A Story of Children and Film (2013)
- American Winter (2013)
- “Anytime Is Ice Cream Time” (2013)
- Caligula with Mary Beard (2013)
- China: The New Empire (2013)
- “Czech Airlines Safety Demo” (2013)
- Das Steinzeitrezept (2013)
- “Expedition till Spetsbergen” (2013)
- Familjen Persson i främmande land (2013)
- Fata Morgana (2013)
- Flygande start: Att tänka som en fotograf (2013)
- Forest of the Dancing Spirits (2013)
- Guadalquivir (2013)
- Herregud vad det är vackert (2013)
- Jodorowsky’s Dune (2013)
- Judgment in Hungary (2013)
- Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings (2013)
- Master of the Universe (2013)
- Micro Monsters 3D (2013)
- My Atomic Aunt (2013)
- “No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka” (2013)
- Precision: The Measure of All Things (2013)
- Project Wild Thing (2013)
- Rome: What Lies Beneath (2013)
- State of Play (2013)
- Summer ’82: When Zappa Came to Sicily (2013)
- TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away from Keyboard (2013)
- Teenage (2013)
- “Tegenlicht: The Tax Free Tour” (2013)
- The Expedition to the End of the World (2013)
- The Fear That Has 1000 Eyes: Cities in the Age of Terrorism (2013)
- “The Flogsta Roar” (2013)
- The Gold Spinners (2013)
- The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness (2013)
- The Manor (2013)
- The Missing Picture (2013)
- “The Other Pompeii: Life & Death in Herculaneum” (2013)
- “The Trek Not Taken” (2013)
- The Unbelievers (2013)
- “Top Secret America: 9/11 to the Boston Bombings” (2013 entry)
- “Tudor Monastery Farm: Christmas” (2013)
- “Twin Sisters” (2013)
- “War of the Worlds” (2013)
- Web Junkie (2013)
- 1971 (2014)
- 7 Deadly Sins (2014)
- “Africa’s Wild West: Stallions of the Namib Desert” (2014)
- “Allergies: Modern Life and Me” (2014 entry)
- “Among the Sex Offenders” (2014)
- An Honest Liar (2014)
- Apocalypse: World War I (2014)
- Atari: Game Over (2014)
- Cities of Tomorrow (2014)
- Citizenfour (2014)
- Concerning Violence (2014)
- Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (2014)
- Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)
- “Den lilla pälssälens liv” (2014)
- Det stora kriget: Svenska öden (2014)
- Det vilda Skandinavien (2014)
- “Edge of Life” (2014)
- Embryo (2014)
- “Enigma Man: A Stone Age Mystery” (2014)
- Fed Up (2014)
- “German Shepherd” (2014)
- “Harmonica Man” (2014)
- Hästmannen – sista striden (2014)
- “Idun: Urtidsdyr i grenseland” (2014)
- Kvinnor ritar bara serier om mens (2014)
- La nuit des éléphants (2014)
- Last Week Tonight (2014)
- Les mondes inondés (2014)
- Långt från Jordbro (2014)
- “Mass Extinction: Life at the Brink” (2014)
- Merchants of Doubt (2014)
- Mythos Kongo (2014)
- Pepe Mujica: Lessons from the Flowerbed (2014)
- Pervert Park (2014)
- Regarding Susan Sontag (2014)
- Rich Hill (2014)
- SCUM – en kärleksförklaring (2014)
- “Seat 26D” (2014)
- “Shaking Hands with Death” (2014)
- Sleepless in America (2014)
- “Snow Monkeys” (2014 entry)
- Songs from the North (2014)
- “Still Born” (2014)
- “Suleima” (2014)
- “Så gjordes serien” (2014)
- That Sugar Film (2014)
- “The Council on Foreign Relations and the Grand Area: Case Studies on the Origins of the IMF and the Vietnam War” (2014)
- “The Gathering Swarms” (2014 entry)
- The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014)
- The Iron Ministry (2014)
- The Notorious Mr. Bout (2014)
- The Salt of the Earth (2014)
- United States of Secrets (2014 entry)
- “Vittne till sin samtid” (2014)
- We Come as Friends (2014)
- Wild Australia (2014)
- “Wild Venice” (2014)
- Wildest Indochina (2014)
- Wind Wagon Project (2014)
- Wyatt Cenac: Brooklyn (2014)
- “A New Prehistory” (2015)
- “A Short History of the Moors” (2015)
- “Accelerated Modern Human-induced Species Losses: Entering the Sixth Mass Extinction” (2015)
- “Actionable Agile Tools” (2015)
- America’s National Parks (2015)
- Animal Homes (2015)
- Animal Super Parents (2015)
- Bikes vs Cars (2015)
- Biomimicry (2015)
- Bitter Lake (2015)
- Britain’s Medieval Vampires (2015)
- Cartel Land (2015)
- “Castro’s Secret Reef” (2015)
- “Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah” (2015)
- Clojure for the Brave and True (2015)
- Colombia magia salvaje (2015)
- “Cosmopolitanism” (2015)
- Doing Math with Python (2015)
- Don’t Blink – Robert Frank (2015)
- Dreams Rewired (2015)
- “Electric Amazon” (2015)
- “First Britons” (2015 entry)
- First Peoples (2015)
- GTFO: Get the F% Out (2015)
- Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015)
- “Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA” (2015 entry)
- Human (2015)
- “Incredible Frogs” (2015)
- Ingrid Bergman: In Her Own Words (2015)
- Inondations, une menace planétaire (2015)
- Japan: Earth’s Enchanted Islands (2015)
- Johnny Cash: American Rebel (2015)
- Louis Theroux: By Reason of Insanity (2015)
- “Louis Theroux: Transgender Kids” (2015)
- “Making of: Evangelion: Another Impact” (2015 entry)
- Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things (2015)
- My Scientology Movie (2015)
- “Mystery Monkeys of Shangri-La” (2015 entry)
- Nisses äventyr på land och till sjöss (2015)
- “Ostrich: A Life on the Run” (2015)
- Possessed by Djinn (2015)
- “Régalec, premiers contacts avec le poisson roi” (2015)
- Saints and Sinners: Britain’s Millennium of Monasteries (2015)
- “Snow Chick: A Penguin’s Tale” (2015)
- Taikon (2015)
- The Ascent of Civilization (2015)
- “The Dark Side of the Ocean” (2015)
- The GNU Make Book (2015)
- The Internet Revolution: From Dot-com Capitalism to Cybernetic Communism (2015)
- The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst (2015)
- The Making of Human (2015)
- “The Moose Detective” (2015)
- The Road (2015)
- “The Screwball Comedy: When Hollywood Went Mad” (2015)
- The Secret Life of 4, 5 and 6 Year Olds (2015)
- The Swedish Theory of Love (2015)
- The Truth About... (2015, contains 3)
- Under the Sun (2015)
- Where to Invade Next (2015)
- White People (2015)
- Wild Patagonia (2015)
- “Wild Slovakia” (2015)
- Wild Sri Lanka (2015)
- Wild Yellowstone (2015)
- “Women Painters: Four Centuries of Struggle” (2015)
- “Xenofeminism: A Politics for Alienation” (2015)
- Your Teeth (2015 entry)
- Äventyrsspel: bland mutanter, drakar och demoner (2015)
- 13th (2016)
- After Hitler (2016)
- “Alcohol” (2016 entry)
- Amateurs in Space (2016)
- America’s Mississippi (2016)
- Amur: The Forbidden River (2016)
- An Insignificant Man (2016)
- “Att skapa en Putin” (2016)
- “Attenborough’s Life That Glows” (2016)
- Before the Flood (2016)
- Bugs (2016)
- Carl Jonas Love Almqvist (2016)
- “Creatures of Light” (2016 entry)
- “Down to Earth: Flightless Birds” (2016)
- Eat That Question: Frank Zappa in His Own Words (2016)
- “Et eventyr gjennom linsa” (2016)
- Fire at Sea (2016)
- “Higher-order Truths About Chmess” (2016)
- “History of Japan” (2016)
- How to Stay Young (2016)
- HyperNormalisation (2016)
- I Am Not Your Negro (2016)
- “I Was a Winner” (2016)
- Immortal Egypt (2016)
- “Jaguars: Brazil’s Super Cats” (2016)
- “Jakten på de fire store” (2016)
- Kedi (2016)
- “Le mystère des dragons à plumes” (2016)
- Ljust & fräscht (2016)
- “Louis Theroux: A Different Brain” (2016)
- Louis Theroux: Savile (2016)
- “L’aube des mammifères” (2016)
- Machines (2016)
- Mary Beard’s Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit (2016)
- Matlagningsprogrammet ingen talar om längre (2016)
- Meet the Donors: Does Money Talk? (2016)
- Michael Moore in TrumpLand (2016)
- Mogadishu Soldier (2016)
- Nowhere to Hide (2016)
- “Paleo Sleuths” (2016)
- Papouasie, expédition au coeur d’un monde perdu (2016)
- “Parkvakten i Sarek” (2016)
- “Pirates: Threatening Global Trade” (2016)
- Planet Earth II (2016)
- Predict My Future: The Science of Us (2016)
- Prison Sisters (2016)
- Risky Drinking (2016)
- School of the Future (2016 entry)
- Secret Life Underground (2016)
- Secrets of Wild Australia (2016)
- “Sjöwall Wahlöö – berättelsen om ett brott” (2016)
- Solitary (2016)
- Soundbreaking: Stories from the Cutting Edge of Recorded Music (2016)
- “Super Snakes” (2016)
- The Big Dry (2016)
- The Canary Islands (2016)
- The Daily Show (The Book): An Oral History (2016)
- The Family (2016)
- The Gun Shop (2016)
- “The Not So Secret Life of the Manic Depressive: 10 Years On” (2016)
- “The Placement of Lucian’s Novel True History in the Genre of Science Fiction” (2016)
- The Settlers (2016)
- Tickled (2016)
- “Tracks” (2016)
- Un grand pas pour l’évolution (2016)
- Wage Slaves (2016)
- Wandering Wolves (2016)
- Weiner (2016)
- Ägd (2016)
- “10 Things You Need to Know About the Future” (2017 entry)
- 69 Minutes of 86 Days (2017)
- “American Psychosis” (2017)
- “Angry, White and American” (2017)
- “Ant Mountain” (2017)
- “As We’re Told” (2017)
- “Asian Maids: Invisible Modern Slaves” (2017)
- “Badlands” (2017)
- “Barndom” (2017)
- “Blood Business” (2017)
- Blue Planet II (2017)
- Brahmaputra, der große Fluss vom Himalaya (2017)
- Building Chernobyl’s Mega Tomb (2017)
- Bye bye Sverige (2017)
- “Chile: A Wild Journey — The Special” (2017)
- “Cuckoo: The Enemy In My Nest” (2017)
- Dark States (2017)
- “Dave Chappelle: Equanimity” (2017)
- “Dave Chappelle: The Bird Revelation” (2017)
- Deep in the Heart of Texas: Dave Chappelle Live at Austin City Limits (2017)
- “Det nya livet: Historien om Fria Proteatern” (2017)
- Divided States of America – Part 1 (2017 entry)
- Divided States of America – Part 2 (2017 entry)
- “Efter floden” (2017)
- “Extreme Animal Weapons” (2017 entry)
- First Man (2017)
- “Fossilbranschens sista strid” (2017)
- Francis Bacon: A Brush with Violence (2017)
- Galapagos (2017)
- “Grey Seals: A Journey of Survival” (2017)
- “Grizzly Country” (2017)
- “HIV” (2017 entry)
- Hasan Minhaj: Homecoming King (2017)
- “History of the Entire World, I Guess” (2017)
- “Honey Badger: Grit” (2017)
- “Hotel Armadillo” (2017)
- “Im Bann der Polarwölfe” (2017)
- Iron Jungle: Nature’s Return to the Ruhr Valley (2017)
- Islands in Time (2017)
- Jane (2017)
- Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold (2017)
- Jævla homo (2017)
- Last Days of Jesus (2017)
- “Lemming: The Little Giant of the North” (2017)
- Line fikser kroppen (2017)
- “Making the Wild Canadian Year” (2017)
- “Megeti: Africa’s Lost Wolf” (2017)
- Mexico: Earth’s Festival of Life (2017)
- Mountain: Life at the Extreme (2017)
- “Mésopotamie, une civilisation oubliée” (2017)
- “Nature’s Miniature Miracles” (2017)
- “Nero’s Sunken City” (2017)
- Oink — Man Loves Pig (2017)
- Ouaga Girls (2017)
- “Quand les impressionnistes découvrent le Japon” (2017)
- “Riding the Ocean Dragon” (2017)
- “RiverBlue” (2017)
- “Science: Abridged Beyond the Point of Usefulness” (2017)
- “Sex, Lies and Butterflies” (2017)
- “Sherlock Holmes Against Conan Doyle” (2017)
- “Sista skörden” (2017)
- Slavenation Danmark (2017)
- Slovo House (2017)
- “Smoke and Fumes: The Climate Change Cover-Up” (2017)
- Spy in the Wild (2017)
- “Super Small Animals” (2017)
- Tasmania: Weird and Wonderful (2017)
- Thailand: Earth’s Tropical Paradise (2017)
- The Age of Spin: Dave Chappelle Live at the Hollywood Palladium (2017)
- The Asian Century (2017)
- The Dassie (2017)
- “The Day the Dinosaurs Died” (2017)
- The Deminer (2017)
- The Immortal Forest (2017)
- “The Leopard Rocks” (2017)
- The Vietnam War (2017)
- The Wild Canadian Year (2017)
- The Work (2017)
- This is Bob Hope... (2017)
- Tokyo Idols (2017)
- Train to Peace (2017)
- Trumped: Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All Time (2017)
- Untitled (2017)
- “Venus Uncovered: Ancient Goddess of Love” (2017)
- Vill viten (2017)
- Waiting for the Sun (2017)
- “White Wolves: Ghosts of the Arctic” (2017)
- Wild Galapagos (2017)
- “Wild Ireland: The Edge of the World” (2017)
- “Young Sex for Sale in Japan” (2017 entry)
- Altered States (2018)
- “American Jail” (2018)
- Ancient Invisible Cities (2018)
- Animals with Cameras (2018)
- Anthropocene: The Human Epoch (2018)
- “Attenborough and the Sea Dragon” (2018)
- “Bacchus Uncovered: Ancient God of Ecstasy” (2018)
- “Beasts in the City” (2018)
- Behind the Curve (2018)
- “Big Cats” (2018)
- Bitter Rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia (2018 entry)
- Black Hole Apocalypse (2018 entry)
- Civilisations (2018)
- Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic (2018)
- “Cuba’s Wild Revolution” (2018)
- “Curiosity and Control” (2018)
- Decoding the Weather Machine (2018 entry)
- Destination Wild: Wild Russia (2018)
- “Dollar Heroes” (2018)
- “Egg” (2018)
- Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress (2018)
- Europas Brasilia – ett epos från förorten (2018)
- Explained (2018)
- Factfulness (2018)
- “Fatberg Autopsy: Secrets of the Sewers” (2018)
- “First Face of America” (2018 entry)
- Generation Wealth (2018)
- Genesis 2.0 (2018)
- Glastonbury Fayre (2018)
- Greece: The Wild Side (2018)
- Hale County This Morning, This Evening (2018)
- Hamada (2018)
- Hannah Gadsby: Nanette (2018)
- “Hitotsu dake kaeta” (2018)
- In Amazon We Trust (2018)
- Indus Blues (2018)
- Kusama: Infinity (2018)
- Laila at the Bridge (2018)
- Laws & Sausages (2018)
- Magic of the Fjords (2018)
- “Maj 68” (2018)
- Metsän viisi vihreä veljestä (2018)
- Migrations secrètes: Odyssées aériennes des animaux migrateurs (2018)
- “Natura” (2018)
- Naturen som förebild (2018)
- “Nazca: Les lignes qui parlaient au ciel” (2018)
- Nova Wonders (2018)
- One Strange Rock (2018)
- Patriot Act (2018)
- “Period: End of Sentence” (2018)
- Planet plast (2018)
- “Plastic Everywhere!” (2018)
- “Prediction by the Numbers” (2018 entry)
- Rams (2018)
- Reporting Trump’s First Year: The Fourth Estate (2018)
- Rooted (2018)
- Russia’s Wild Sea (2018)
- Seder-Masochism (2018)
- “Selling Children” (2018)
- “Serietecknarna” (2018)
- “Shakespeare’s Sonnets: Abridged Beyond the Point of Usefulness” (2018)
- “Skogens vita konung” (2018)
- “Space Smash” (2018)
- “Spy in the Snow” (2018)
- “Spårviddshinder” (2018)
- “Staten och kapitalet” (2018)
- Story of Science Fiction (2018)
- Tala om sex – Ottars liv (2018)
- Tatra Mountains: Life on the Edge (2018)
- “Ted Alexandro: Senior Class of Earth” (2018)
- The American Meme (2018)
- The Break (2018)
- “The Carnivore’s Dilemma” (2018)
- The Kingdom: How Fungi Made Our World (2018 entry)
- “The Norwegian Fjords: Life in the Twilight” (2018)
- The Price of Everything (2018)
- The Trade (2018)
- The Wild Andes (2018)
- They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
- They’ll Love Me When I’m Dead (2018)
- “Undercover in the Alt-Right: My Year in Kekistan” (2018)
- Vitamania: The Sense and Nonsense of Vitamins (2018)
- Världens sämsta indier (2018)
- Waterschool (2018)
- “Whale Wisdom” (2018)
- When Lambs Become Lions (2018)
- Wild Austria: Created by Water (2018)
- “Wild Boar — The Comeback” (2018)
- Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema (2018)
- Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin (2018)
- Wyatt Cenac’s Problem Areas (2018)
- “100 Vaginas” (2019)
- American Factory (2019)
- Animal Babies: First Year on Earth (2019)
- “Back to the Moon” (2019)
- Battlefield Behemoths: A History of the Tank — The World Wars (2019)
- “Behind the Scenes of Food Wars” (2019)
- Bin och människor: Om bin och biskötare i religion, revolution och evolution samt många andra bisaker (2019)
- “Birders” (2019)
- “Borneo: Earth’s Ancient Eden” (2019)
- Buddha in Africa (2019)
- “China’s Social Credit Lab” (2019)
- “Dancing with the Birds” (2019)
- Dave Chappelle: Sticks & Stones (2019)
- De första svenskarna (2019)
- “De grote dataroof” (2019)
- “Dead Sea Scroll Detectives” (2019 entry)
- “Den stora flytten — en film om Malmberget” (2019)
- Den stora älgvandringen (2019)
- “Doing It in Public: Art for the People” (2019)
- “Dragons & Damsels” (2019)
- “Dung Mafia” (2019)
- Earth from Space (2019)
- Earth’s Great Rivers (2019)
- “Excess Will Save Us” (2019)
- Faith (2019)
- Fantastic Fungi (2019)
- “Fox and the City” (2019)
- Gangs of Lemur Island (2019)
- “Going Nuts: Tales from the Squirrel World” (2019)
- Hail Satan? (2019)
- Hasse & Tage – en kärlekshistoria (2019)
- Human Nature (2019)
- “I huvet på Per Åhlin” (2019)
- “I huvudet på en filmskapare” (2019)
- “Ian Hislop’s Fake News: A True History” (2019)
- “Im Herzen des Vulkans” (2019)
- “Inside the Megafire” (2019 entry)
- Jihad Jane (2019)
- “Jorden är platt” (2019)
- “Kilauea: Hawai’i on Fire” (2019 entry)
- Knock Down the House (2019)
- “Le Blob, un génie sans cerveau” (2019)
- Leaving Neverland (2019)
- “Lockad av scientologi” (2019)
- “Louis Theroux: Mothers on the Edge” (2019)
- “Louis Theroux: The Night in Question” (2019)
- “Magical Iceland” (2019)
- Magical Land of Oz (2019)
- Maktkampen (2019)
- “Mars Uncovered: Ancient God of War” (2019)
- Mating (2019)
- “Matsalu Moose: Wild Giants of the Baltics” (2019)
- “Memory: The Origins of Alien” (2019)
- “Michelle Wolf: Joke Show” (2019)
- “Microbiota: The Amazing Power of the Gut” (2019)
- “Miniature” (2019)
- Ministry of Evil: The Twisted Cult of Tony Alamo (2019)
- “Missing Women and the Bachelor Time Bomb” (2019)
- Okavango: River of Dreams (2019)
- One Child Nation (2019)
- “One in a Thousand” (2019)
- “Orgasmgarantin” (2019)
- Our Planet (2019)
- “Patriotic Highway” (2019)
- Planet of the Humans (2019)
- “Psychic” (2019)
- Push (2019)
- “Rebellion: On the Frontlines of Kong Kong’s Uprising” (2019)
- Romantic Comedy (2019)
- “Sanningen om ASMR” (2019)
- Seven Worlds, One Planet (2019)
- “Surviving America’s Most Hated Family” (2019)
- Säsong (2019)
- The Crystal Calls — Making the Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (2019)
- The Mind, Explained (2019)
- “The Modest Heroes of Studio Ponoc” (2019)
- The Vasulka Effect (2019)
- The Violence Paradox (2019 entry)
- Tomtens minnesluckor (2019)
- Truther or: I Am Not a Conspiracy Theorist (2019)
- “Uncle Thomas: Accounting for the Days” (2019)
- “Venezuela: The Curse of Oil” (2019)
- Volga: Mother of Rivers (2019)
- “Wales: Great Britain’s Wild West” (2019)
- “When Bridges Collapse: The Genoa Disaster” (2019)
- When Whales Walked: Journeys in Deep Time (2019)
- Wonderful World of Baby Animals (2019)
- Woodstock: Three Days That Defined a Generation (2019)
- “Épaves, l’or des grands fonds” (2019)
- Alien Worlds (2020)
- “And There Was Music” (2020)
- “Big Bend: America’s Wildest Frontier” (2020)
- “Black Summer” (2020)
- Blasphemy (2020)
- “Brain Expansion in Early Hominins Predicts Carnivore Extinctions in East Africa” (2020)
- “Cephalopods: Aliens of the Deep” (2020)
- “Cheaters, Liars or Both? A New Classification of Dishonesty Profiles” (2020)
- “Chris Packham: 7.7 Billion People and Counting” (2020 entry)
- “Confronting Holocaust Denial with David Baddiel” (2020)
- Dave Chappelle: The Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize for American Humor (2020)
- David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet (2020)
- Deciphering Japan (2020)
- Domedagen (2020)
- En klump i magen (2020)
- “Feels Good Man” (2020)
- “Grab Them” (2020)
- “Génération écran: génération malade?” (2020)
- Helvete: Historien om norsk black metal (2020)
- “Kampen mot klotet” (2020)
- “Kubrick by Kubrick” (2020)
- Louis Theroux: Life on the Edge (2020)
- Megafires: The Global Threat (2020)
- Megapolis: The Ancient World Revealed (2020)
- “Mot andra världar” (2020)
- “Nature’s Fear Factor” (2020 entry)
- Night on Earth (2020)
- “On Thin Ice” (2020)
- “Pluto: Back from the Dead” (2020 entry)
- “Portugal: Wild Land on the Edge” (2020)
- “Prison Life: Justice in Japan” (2020)
- Rapport från 2050 (2020)
- “Rocky” (2020)
- Sex, Explained (2020)
- “Shot in the Dark” (2020)
- “Skrivglappet” (2020)
- Spying on the Scammers (2020)
- “The Daily Show Correspondents’ 92nd Street Y Panel” (2020)
- The Hobbit: The Bilbo Edition (2015/2020)
- The Last Hours of Pompeii (2020)
- “The Past and Future Human Impact on Mammalian Diversity” (2020)
- The Social Dilemma (2020)
- “The Truth About Fat” (2020 entry)
- Tiger King (2020)
- “Towards A New Posthuman Ontology – The Anti-Anthropocentrism of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence” (2020)
- “Tystnaden – en film om Silence, musiken och tiden” (2020)
- “United States of Conspiracy” (2020 entry)
- “Vermisst – Wo sind die Vögel?” (2020)
- Våra barns hemliga liv (2020)
- Waterhole: Africa’s Animal Oasis (2020)
- “Wild Karnataka” (2020)
- Zappa (2020)
- ’Til Kingdom Come (2020)
- “Allergy Alert: Paranoia in Our Immune System” (2021)
- America After 9/11 (2021 entry)
- Ascension (2021)
- “Asia Pacific, the New Powder Keg” (2021)
- “Bat Superpowers” (2021 entry)
- Blood Money: Inside the Nazi Economy (2021)
- Cannon Arm and the Arcade Quest (2021)
- Can’t Get You Out of My Head (2021)
- Consequences of Capitalism: Manufactoring Discontent and Resistance (2021)
- Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021)
- “Day Zero” (2021)
- Dostojevskij för dummies (2021)
- “Earth: Muted” (2021)
- “Ett par dagar i november med Jan Troell” (2021)
- Giebmegáisi — 8 jahkeáiggi (2021)
- Hillsong Church: God Goes Viral (2021)
- “Insecticides: A Licence to Kill” (2021)
- “Lady Sapiens” (2021)
- “Life at 50 Degrees Celsius” (2021)
- Life in Colour (2021)
- Louis Theroux: Shooting Joe Exotic (2021)
- Länge leve demokratin (2021)
- “Raising a School Shooter” (2021)
- Seaspiracy (2021)
- “Stonehenge: The Lost Circle Revealed” (2021)
- “The Bubble” (2021)
- “The Universe of Fish” (2021)
- “Trésors de Mésopotamie: des archéologues face à Daech” (2021)
- Vi är barn av vår tid – En film om Nationalteatern (2021)
- Voir (2021)
- “Arctic Sinkholes” (2022 entry)
- “Behind the Scenes with Jane Campion” (2022)
- Children of the Taliban (2022)
- China: The Uyghur Drama (2022)
- Cunk on Earth (2022)
- Geographies of Solitude (2022)
- Hong Kong’s Fight for Freedom (2022)
- “Isaac Asimov: L’étrange testament du père des robots” (2022)
- Louis Theroux: Forbidden America (2022)
- “Ordinary Men: The “Forgotten Holocaust”” (2022)
- Our Great National Parks (2022)
- “Rahčan — Ellas opprør” (2022)
- Russia 1985-1999: TraumaZone (2022)
- “Swan Lady” (2022)
- The Fire Within: A Requiem for Katia and Maurice Krafft (2022)
- The Green Planet (2022)
- Alkoholexperimenten (2023)
- “Den gröna kapplöpningen” (2023)
- Means and Ends: The Revolutionary Practice of Anarchism in Europe and the United States (2023)
- Monica in the South Seas (2023)
- Praying for Armageddon (2023)
- Rörelsen (2023)
- School Under Siege (2023)
- “Super Moss” (2023)
- The Society of the Spectacle (2023)
- The UFO Movie They Don’t Want You to See (2023)
- Total Trust (2023)
- “Twerk for Yemen” (2023)
- “Game Changer: Exploring the Role of Board Games in the Lives of Autistic People” (2024)
- Once Upon a Time in a Forest (2024)
- Ottoman Empire by Train (2024)
- “Sigourney Weaver - Actionheldin und Stil-Ikone” (2024)
- “The Click Trap” (2024)
- “The Illusion of Information Adequacy” (2024)
- Totalt övervakad (2024)
- Undercover: Exposing the Far Right (2024)
- Det var en gång ett nu (2025)
- “Familjen” (2025)
The following make direct references to the non-fiction tag.
- “Document” tag description
- “Stand-up comedy” tag description
- “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar” (1845)
- A Man Vanishes (1967)